Panel Members

H.E. Mr. Thabo MbekiMbeki

Mr. Mbeki served two terms as the second post-apartheid Pres­ident of South Africa from 14 June 1999 to 24 September 2008. He was the President of the African National Congress from 1997-2007. Mr. Mbeki held the position of Chairperson of the African Union.(2002- 2003) Mr. Mbeki holds a Masters Degree in Economics from Sussex University.

Mr. Carlos LopesMr. Carlos Lopes

Mr. Carlos Lopes currently serves as the United Nations Un­der-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa. He assumed this position in September 2012. Mr. Lopes previously served as Executive Director of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) in Geneva and Director of the UN System Staff College in Turin at the level of Assistant Secretary-General from March 2007 to Au­gust 2012.

Ambasador Olusegun ApataApata

H.E. Mr. Olusegun Apata is the Chairman of the Coca-Cola Bot­tler in Nigeria, Nigerian Bottling Company Plc and has sat on the company’s Board of Directors since 2006. Ambassador Apata served for three decades in the Nigerian Diplomatic Service.. He attended the University of Lagos for his undergraduate studies while he earned his graduate degrees from the University Col­lege, Dublin and Oxford University.

Mr. Raymond BakerBaker

Mr. Baker is the director of Global Financial Integrity, a think tank in Washington, DC and is a guest scholar at the Brookings In­stitution and Senior Fellow at the Center for International Pol­icy. In January 2009, Mr. Baker brought together a coalition of research and advocacy organizations and over 50 governments to form the Task Force on Financial Integrity and Economic De­velopment, an organization which advocates for transparency in the global financial system. He is a graduate of Harvard Business School and Georgia Institute of Technology.

Dr. Zeinab Bashir el Bakri El Bakri

Dr. Zeinab Bashir el Bakri is a consultant on human development strategies working for the Government of Kuwait. She is the for­mer vice President Sector Operations of the African Develop­ment Bank Group in Tunisia.

Mr. Abdoulaye Bio TchanéTchane

Abdoulaye Bio Tchané has built a thirty-year career in banking, finance and development across Africa. He has held high posi­tions at the WAEMU Central Bank and is a former Director of the Africa Department at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as well as the former President of the West African Development Bank (BOAD). Mr Bio Tchané is also widely acknowledged as the finance minister of Benin who spearheaded clear and transpar­ent reforms in budgeting, procurement and taxation and he has actively fought corruption.

Mr. Henrik Harboe

Henrik Harboe, Director of Development Policy at the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs since July 2013, was previously Nor­way’s Chief Negotiator in the international climate negotiations. Before that he was head of the Multilateral Bank and Finance Section of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, responsible for Norway’s relationship with the World Bank and the Regional Development Banks, for global finance questions and debt relief. He has a Masters degree in Development Economics from the London School of Economics (1987) and his BSc in Economics from the University of Oslo.

Prof. El Hadi Makboul Makboul

Prof. Makboul is Secretary General, Ministry of Industrial Devel­opment and Investment Promotion in Algeria. He is the former director of the National Centre for the Study and Analysis of Pop­ulation and Development (CENEAP), which undertakes studies and analysis in the field of economy, demography and social and cultural development. Mr. Makboul was recently elected as a member of the Committee on Governance and Popular Partic­ipation of the UNECA.

Barrister Akere Muna Barrister

Barrister Muna is founder and former president of Transparency International (TI) Cameroon. A lawyer by training, he is President of the Pan African Lawyers Union and former president of the Cameroon Bar Association. Akere Muna is President of the Afri­can Union’s Economic, Social and Cultural Council (ECOSOCC) and a member of several national commissions on legal reform and curbing corruption. Mr. Muna was actively involved in the TI working group that helped to draft the African Union Conven­tion on Preventing and Combating Corruption and has written a guide to the convention published by TI

Ms. Irene Ovonji-OdidaIrene

The Chairperson of Action Aid Uganda, Ms. Ovonji-Odida is a human rights lawyer and activist with 21 years of experience in development work. She has worked in the public sector in law reform and on public sector ethics for eight years. Irene has been involved with ActionAid in Uganda since 2003, becoming national board Chair in 2005. She is the convener of the Interna­tional Governance & Board Development Committee and was elected as International Board Chair in June 2009.