NEPAD Today 07 August 2013


07 August 2013

Yinka Adeyemi
Assistant Editor
Meseret Arega
Editorial Board: Yinka Adeyemi (ECA), ADOU Jean Yves (AUC), Meseret Arega (ECA)

South Africa to get concentrated solar power (CSP)

A consortium led by ACWA Power International (ACWA Power), the leading Saudi electricity and desalinated water producer, has confirmed the completion of financing and commencement of construction of the BOKPOORT Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) Independent Power Project (IPP) located in Northern Cape Province, 600 km south of Johannesburg, in the Republic of South Africa.  
 Forming part of South Africa’s Renewable Energy IPP procurement program (REIPP), the 50MWe installed capacity BOKPOORT CSP Project is being equipped with the largest thermal storage ever adopted for a solar power plant of this class and capacity to date. The plant thermal storage capacity will be 9.3 hours enabling it to yield a record-high generation in excess of 200 GWh/year well into the night every day throughout the year. This makes CSP the only renewable technology at commercial scale to cover the country's daily peak demand from 5 to 9 PM thereby helping to prevent power black outs.

NEPAD and WorldFish sign aquatic development agreement

WorldFish and NEPAD have teamed up to promote aquaculture in Africa, signing MoU to realise “the untapped development potential” of the continent’s aquatic systems.
The parties would join forces to implement aquatic agricultural systems such as NEPAD’s Rural Futures Initiative and the Comprehensive Africa Agricultural Development Programme (CAADP), said NEPAD CEO Dr Ibrahim Mayaki.
The success of the programme would contribute to rural transformation, economic growth, poverty reduction and food security, on the back of the diversity of the agricultural opportunities offered by aquatic systems, including fisheries and aquaculture, livestock, cereals, root crops and vegetables.
“The signing of the MoU opens a new chapter for WorldFish engagement in agricultural research on the continent. We believe that our aquatic systemscan play a greater role in Africa’s food and nutrition security and economic growth,” said WorldFish Africa regional director Tabeth Chiuta.


Calls for 2014 Innovation Prize for Africa made

The African Innovation Foundation (AIF) is calling for entries for the 2014 Innovation Prize for Africa (IPA). The prize, presented annually since 2012, aims at encouraging innovations that contribute to sustainable development in Africa. The winning submission will be awarded a prize of US$100,000, with two additional US$25,000 prizes, one for the runner up with an innovation with the best business potential and the other one for the runner up with the innovation with the best social impact.
There are five categories in which African entrepreneurs and innovators can propose projects that unlock the continent’s potential. These include: 1) agriculture and agribusiness; 2) environment, energy and water; 3) health and wellbeing; 4) ICT applications; and 5) manufacturing and services industries.

Gulf of Guinea Gas Conference moves to Cote D'Ivoire

After fifteen successful years, Gulf of Guinea Gas is now established as the most senior forum to focus on West Africa’s thriving gas sector. Held under the auspices of Côte d’Ivoire’s Ministry of Petroleum & Energy, co-hosted by PETROCI and co-sponsored by IGU, this strategic conference will focus on: (Liquefied Natural Gas) LNG, Exploration and Production, Gas to Power, Domestic Gas Market, Gas Master Plans and Local Content.
Representatives from governments, national oil and gas companies and leading operators will get together to exchange ideas, share experiences, and devise future strategies to increase the participation of indigenous players in gas activities and promote industrial and economic development.


Upcoming events (some dates or venue may change)

1. Mining and Power Synergy,  9 October  2013, Fleuve Congo Hotel, Kinshasa, DRC

2. Seminar on Advancing Regional Integration through NEPAD Implementation: Learning Event on Comparative Analysis of African-European Integration Studies September 2013 South Africa.

3. Africa-NEPAD Week at 69th UN General Assembly (mid-October 2013)

4. 21st Africa Partnership Forum – Dakar (tbc) November 2013
5. High Level Summit and Business Conference on Africa’s Domestic Resource Mobilzation (DRM) November 2013)

6. 5th GEO Health & Environment Community of Practice (CoP), 23-25 July 2013, Washington D.C., USA

7. 48th NEPAD Steering Committee meeting – Dakar, End of August/Sept 2013

A production of the RCM-Africa Secretariat, AU and NEPAD Support Team, Capacity Development Division (CDD),
United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Director: Adeyemi Dipeolu