Carlos Lopes

Africa Cheetah Run

The Former Executive Secretary's Blog

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12 January 2015
UN Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa, Dr. Carlos Lopes to give guest lecture at ISS
11 January 2015
FOLLOWING on the heels of calls for debt cancellation of Ebola affected countries in West Africa, former Regional Director (Africa) of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Mr. Bunmi Makinwa, described the call as welcome and proper, but was quick to elaborate that Ebola is just one of the serious symptoms affecting these countries, which are unlikely to go away even if the deadly virus...
11 January 2015
Source: UNECA - United Nations Economic Commission for Africa) Addis Ababa, 10 January 2015 (ECA) - The Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), Mr. Carlos Lopes, has been listed among Africa's 100 most influential people for 2014 by francophone newspaper, Financial Afrik. Mr. Lopes joins a... weiterlesen ...
11 January 2015
En visite de travail dans notre pays, le Secrétaire exécutif de la Commission économique pour l’Afrique, M. Carlos Lopes, qui a rang de secrétaire général adjoint des nations unies, a été reçu hier en fin de matinée au palais de la République. L’occasion pour le président de la République, M. Ismail Omar Guelleh d’aborder avec son hôte de marque l’ensemble des questions liées à la mise en œuvre...
11 January 2015
La classification établie par les experts d’une bafd (Banque Africaine de développement), par ailleurs bien consciente que la croissance des PIBafricains est aussi celle des inégalités, effectivement exponentielle, peut rappeler l’idéologie états-unienne d’une « class-less society, but as a resolutely middle class one |1| » – les riches n’en étant que le sommet. Ce qui rendait, rend encore non...
10 January 2015
Addis Abeba, 10 janvier 2015 (CEA) - Le journal francophone, Afrik Financial, honore le Secrétaire exécutif de la Commission économique pour l'Afrique (CEA), M. Carlos Lopes, de sa présence parmi les 100 personnes les plus influentes de l'Afrique en 2014.
7 January 2015
Africa's storyline for 2014 was mainly dominated by tragic tales: Ebola, conflict and terrorist attacks. Still, other developments like growing ties with China and glimmers of economic growth provided positive signs for the continent.
7 January 2015
CAIRO -- Falling crude oil prices may be a boon to the global economy as a whole, but the accelerating pace of declines since the start of the year is raising concerns among oil-producing countries, which could be forced to take such measures as spending cuts.
7 January 2015
JUST as development experts predict a mixed year for Nigeria and other countries within the sub-Saharan African region, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) has underlined the importance of implementing trade policies aimed at overcoming market and institutional failures that hinder export competitiveness.
7 January 2015
ADDIS ABEBA, Éthiopie, 17 décembre 2014 / PRN Africa / -- Carlos Lopes lance un appel à la communauté internationale pour que celle-ci songe à annuler la dette des pays touchés par le virus Ébola car cela les mettrait dans de bonnes conditions pour la reprise de l'après-crise.
6 January 2015
ADDIS ABABA (Xinhua) -- The year 2014 was an interesting year for Africa whereby the continent is still with projection of above 5 percent economic growth despite conflicts in some countries and the Ebola crisis in West Africa, said Dr. Carlos Lopes, UN Under Secretary General and Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA).
6 January 2015
Africans are eating like the rest of the world, but what they are eating isn’t necessarily good for them. White bread with jam and butter is fast becoming the new breakfast trend and substitute for traditional porridge, the likes of pap or uji. Research shows that over the last 50 years Africans have dramatically changed their diet and are eating more of the same foods as the industrialised world...
5 January 2015
The 2015 edition of the Economic Report on Africa (ERA) is scheduled for release in March 2015 and will build on the key messages of the previous editions on industrialization and structural transformation.
31 December 2014
CARLOS LOPES: O estado actual da economia e bom, mas volátil, particularmente no sector do petróleo e do gás que, como se sabe, e uma parte substancial do Produto Interno Bruto africano combinado.
30 December 2014
O II Fórum Nacional de Transformação, realizado de 14 a 16 de Maio, provocou uma “reviravolta” nas opções rumo a Cabo Verde 2030 quando o secretário-geral adjunto das Nações Unidas, Carlos Lopes, receitou ancoragem do país em África.
30 December 2014
O II Fórum Nacional de Transformação, realizado de 14 a 16 de Maio, provocou uma “reviravolta” nas opções rumo a Cabo Verde 2030 quando o secretário-geral adjunto das Nações Unidas, Carlos Lopes, receitou ancoragem do país em África.
29 December 2014
The popular idea of “Africa Rising” is based on claims of GDP growth rates of 5-6 per cent. But much of this is due to soaring primary commodity prices, especially in the extractive industries. Oil, for example, rose from $20 a barrel in 1999 to $145 in 2008. Although the price has fallen since, it remains way above the levels prevailing in the 1990s.
29 December 2014
O Governo da Guiné-Bissau distinguiu no domingo mais de 70 personalidades da música, desporto, artes, ciências, cinema, moda e comunicação social, numa iniciativa que o primeiro-ministro do país diz ser para continuar nos próximos anos.
29 December 2014
Pela primeira vez desde a independência do país em 1973, o Governo da Guiné-Bissau decidiu distinguir as personalidades guineenses que mais se têm destacado. No domingo, o Executivo liderado por Domingos Simões Pereira homenageou, desta forma, mais de 70 figuras das mais diversas áreas.
29 December 2014
Então! O nosso Fernando Casimiro (Didinho), O Doka, o 7ZE-Emplastro, Úmaro Djaú, ANG, Odemocratagb, etc, não foram distinguidos pelo trabalho que fizeram e estão a fazer? Ninguém se lembrou deles?
