Carlos Lopes

Africa Cheetah Run

The Former Executive Secretary's Blog

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Featured Articles

28 August 2015
Sommet économique panafricain ouvert sur les partenaires extérieurs, le NYFA met l'accent cette année sur l'énergie des ressources humaines du continent.
27 August 2015
Africa’s gross domestic product (GDP) growth is expected to strengthen to 4.5% in 2015 and 5% in 2016 after subdued expansion in 2013 (3.5%) and 2014 (3.9%). Alongside this solid growth outlook, the global and pan-African discussions provide the continent with an unprecedented opportunity to chart a more inclusive and sustainable growth agenda for the region. In the long-term, the stakes are high...
25 August 2015
«Um mero aumento de 0,44% ao ano na coleta de impostos nos países africanos pode juntar cerca de 22 mil milhões de dólares por ano, que podem ser usados para financiar projetos de desenvolvimento.» Quem o disse foi Carlos Lopes, secretário-executivo da ECA, recorda o portal All Africa. A declaração foi feita perante convidados de um evento paralelo à 3.ª Conferência Internacional de Financiamento...
22 August 2015
The newly appointed secretary general of ICAO, Fang Liu (PhD), was in Addis Ababa this week for a two-day official visit. Accompanied by ICAO regional directors Barry Kashambo, Eastern and Southern Africa, and Mam Sait Jallow, Western and Central Africa, Liu visited the headquarters of the African Union. Liu who replaced former secretary general of ICAO Raymond Benjamin as of August 1, 2015 met...
22 August 2015
“Não existe Plano B na sustentabilidade, porque não existe planeta B”. Essa é a opinião do cientista social Carlos Lopes, secretário geral adjunto da ONU, em palestra na federação das Indústrias, em Rio Branco, a convite do governo do estado. Lopes destacou o conceito de que a geração atual deve com- preender que tem compromissos com as gerações futuras e que isso leva a uma nova...
21 August 2015
Se é verdade que nos últimos 15 anos África tem assistido a níveis relativamente elevados de crescimento, graças a um superciclo de mercadorias e a uma crescente procura interna por parte de uma classe média em crescimento, o continente ainda depende dos seus produtos para a maior parte dos lucros oriundos das exportações.
21 August 2015
Há poucas semanas, no caminho entre Dire Dawa e a histórica cidade de Harar, na zona oriental da Etiópia, deparei-me com uma mensagem intrigante no vidro traseiro de uma mini-carrinha: «Se não vires os meus espelhos, eu não te consigo ver». -
21 August 2015
The 15th African Utility Week and Clean Power Africa proved that it is the leading power and water conference and expo of its kind on the continent with a record attendance of 6000 people over three days in Cape Town last week.
20 August 2015
Made in Africa presents the findings of original field research into the design, practice, and varied outcomes of industrial policy in the cement, leather and leather products, and floriculture sectors in Ethiopia. It explores how and why the outcomes of industrial policy are shaped by particular factors in these industries.
20 August 2015
Agribusiness in Africa is on the rise. “Africa’s economy over the last decade has reached an average growth of 5%,” explains Carlos Lopes in “We Need More Agribusiness in Africa,” posted on Africa Renewal Online, a website produced by the Africa Section of the United Nations Department of Public Information.
10 August 2015
Sanusi Lamido, un ancien gouverneur de la banque centrale du Nigéria, s’emporta une fois contre son pays à cause des «énormes ressources qu'il consacre à l’importation de biens de consommation en provenance de Chine, alors que ces biens devraient être produits localement. ».
6 August 2015
The Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, Mr. Carlos Lopez, spoke to Africa Renewal about Africa's development during the Third International Conference on Financing for Development that took place in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
5 August 2015
4 August 2015
L'Afrique a quelque chose à apporter au monde , par Venance Konan La créativité, produit d'exportation à ofrt potentiel, par Carlos Lopes France-Afrique : Changer de paradigme, par Macky Sall
3 August 2015
Mr. Carlos Lopes, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, talks to Africa Renewal about industrialization and economic growth in Africa.
31 July 2015
The year 2015 started with the adoption of Agenda 2063 by the African Union. African nations will thereafter participate in essential global dialogues on development finance, the post-2015 agenda with its sustainable development goals and climate change. These discussions provide the continent and the world with an unprecedented opportunity to chart a more inclusive and sustainable growth agenda...
31 July 2015
Carlos Lopes, the Executive Secretary of the UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), was one of several speakers at a side event at the conference in Addis Ababa, that examined three critical issues for Africa's transformation: modernizing agriculture; inclusive and sustainable industrialization; and sustainable infrastructure and energy.
31 July 2015
Kampala — The Executive Secretary of the UN Economic Commission for Africa, Mr. Carlos Lopes paid a visit to Kampala, Uganda at the invitation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the UN Country Team to address a High Level Dialogue Session on Financing for Development together with the President of the 69th General Assembly of the United Nations, Minister Sam Kutesa.
