Carlos Lopes

Africa Cheetah Run

The Former Executive Secretary's Blog

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13 October 2015
13 October 2015
In Africa, civil society claims and agitations, if consistent and sustained, may begin to reshape not only the character of politics but also the nature and essence of the state.
12 October 2015
Começa nesta segunda-feira, 12 de outubro, na sede da ONU em Nova York a Semana da África 2015. Falando a Rádio ONU, o secretário-executivo da Comissão Econômica para África, Carlos Lopes, afirmou que esta é "uma oportunidade de colocar a África na agenda" Ele falou ainda sobre a adoção dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável e [...]
12 October 2015
Falando a Rádio ONU, o secretário-executivo da Comissão Econômica para África, Carlos Lopes, afirmou que esta é "uma oportunidade de colocar a África na agenda"
11 October 2015
La Position commune africaine reconnaît les tendances actuelles telles que la croissance de la population et l’explosion de la jeunesse, l’urbanisation, le changement climatique et les inégalités. Cette dernière réaffirme l’importance de donner la priorité à la transformation structurelle de l’Afrique pour un développement inclusif et axé sur les personnes. Ce document est produit par l’Union...
10 October 2015
This month’s edition of New African magazine, dubbed ‘The Thinker’s Issue’ is guest edited by Carlos Lopes, Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa, with contributions from Thabo Mbeki, former South African President and Ngozi Okonjo Iweala, Nigeria’s former Minister of Finance, among others.
10 October 2015
L'Afrique a connu de bons progrès dans la démocratisation de ses Etats, des institutions et des peuples mais la démocratie reste fragile et ténue et la possibilité de nombreuses reprises seprofile, a déclaré M. Carlos Lopes, le Secrétaire Exécutif de la Commission Economique pour l’Afrique lors de la 15e Conférence « Harold Wolpe Memorial » tenueà l'Université de Witwatersrand,...
9 October 2015
A organização completa 70 anos neste mês de outubro, com um papel marcante na resolução de conflitos em países africanos, ajuda humanitária e apoio ao desenvolvimento econômico.
9 October 2015
Africa Today nº127, 2015
Since the beginning of the year, we’ve been deluged with images on our televisions and computer screens from places as far and wide as the Italian island of Lampedusa, at the entrance to the Eurotunnel in Calais, Bodrum in Turkey, the Greek Islands to the east and the Spanish enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla in Morocco. These pictures depict the torrent of attempts – on a massive scale – of...
9 October 2015
This lecture honoring Harold Wolpe comes at a time when his contribution is more appreciated than ever before. Although his focus was South Africa his provocative contributions surpassed the country. Wolpe was one of the admired conceptualizers of his generation. By inventing a new radicalism he marked South African scholarship, introduced new approaches to the race question and infuriated enough...
9 October 2015
With the personal commitment of President AliBongo Ondimba, Head of State of the Republic of Gabon, an unprecedented fight has just been launched against corruption in Central Africa thanks to the combined efforts of the ECA and the CNLCEI. In the presence, today, of Prime Minister, Professor Daniel Ona Ondo, the second Vice Prime Minister, Minister of Justice and Human Rights, Keeper of the...
9 October 2015
Reports of the Secretary-General, Discussions by the Economic Commision for Africa (ECA), and Presentations by the NEPAD Agency and the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM)
8 October 2015
Africa Today - nº118, December 2014
Most African countries have been undergoing democratic transitions of various kinds since the early 1990s, and almost all have had to make their way through the complexity and challenges of managing diversity in its various forms: power distribution and the components of political structures, the definition of citizenship, the rights and interests of marginalized groups.
8 October 2015
Africa Today nº118, December 2014
Despite relative stability across much of the continent, it hasn’t helped eradicate the feeling of deep-rooted negativity that many people generally have about Africa.
8 October 2015
Interrogé par Jeune Afrique, le président Alpha Condé a reconnu avoir commis des erreurs durant ses 5 années de gouvernance à la tête de la Guinée.
8 October 2015
Daniel Ona Ondo, le Premier ministre, a présidé, le mercredi 7 octobre 2015 à Libreville, les travaux du lancement du Réseau des institutions nationales anticorruption d’Afrique centrale.
7 October 2015
Since the beginning of this year a relentless flow of images from the Italian island of Lampedusa, the city of Calais where the Eurotunnel starts, Bodrum in Turkey, the eastern islands of Greece, or the Spanish enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla in Morocco, are invading television screens and media outlets. They portray a massive scale attempts by desperate souls trying to reach European countries....
6 October 2015
Le secrétaire exécutif de la Commission économique des Nations Unies pour l'Afrique, Carlos Lopes, pointe du doigt la «croissance sans qualité» que connaît actuellement le continent.
6 October 2015
La question de l’éradication de la pauvreté est comme celle de l’établissement de la paix dans le monde. En Afrique, elle prend une résonance particulière : est-ce une belle utopie ou un objectif réalisable ? Où que l’on tourne le regard, les possibilités d’une paix durable sur le continent africain sont en permanence menacées.
