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14 July 2016
Les migrants africains à l’étranger représentent la deuxième plus grande source de donations financières en Afrique après les partenaires de développement, a déclaré un haut responsable des Nations Unies, mercredi à Kigali, capitale rwandaise.
14 July 2016
The Chairperson of African Union Commission (AUC), Dr Dlamini Zuma, has called on African leaders to take action in conflict situations in their countries to avoid violence.
14 July 2016
The 29th ordinary session of the executive council of the African Union (AU) opened on Wednesday with a call to put African people first.
13 July 2016
The African Union cannot afford to ignore the ever-growing surge of migrants that’s fast changing demographic landscape across the continent, a top UN official has said.
13 July 2016
July 09/2016 marked the most historical day in the history of Hawassa University as the institution graduated over 5000 students in presence of Deputy Prime Minister of FDRE, H.E Ato Demeke Mekonnen, U.N Undersecretary and Secretary General of Economic Commission for Africa H.E Dr. Carlos Lopes, other Ministers, University presidents, members of the University community, graduates and families.
11 July 2016
Carlos Lopes, Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) has been awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Development Studies. Ethiopia's recognition of Lopes' intellectual contribution to Africa's development was conferred by Ethiopia's Deputy Prime Minister.
11 July 2016
11 July 2016
Kigali: Carlos Lopes, Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) has been awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Development Studies. Ethiopia’s recognition of Lopes’ intellectual contribution to Africa’s development was conferred by Ethiopia’s Deputy Prime Minister. Present at the ceremony was Minister Arkebe Oqubay and Ambassador Mohamed Idriss Farah of Djibouti.
10 July 2016
O Governo de Moçambique anunciou, na semana finda em Maputo, um pacote de medidas de austeridade que vão permitir poupar cerca de 24 biliões de meticais, no âmbito do orçamento rectificativo que será submetido amanhã na Assembleia da República.
9 July 2016
Awassa, Ethiopia, 09 July, 2016 (ECA) - Carlos Lopes, Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) has been awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Development Studies. Ethiopia's recognition of Lopes' intellectual contribution to Africa's development was conferred by Ethiopia's Deputy Prime Minister. Present at the ceremony was Minister Arkebe Oqubay and...
9 July 2016
Le Secrétaire exécutif de la Commission économique pour l'Afrique, Carlos Lopes, a été nommé Commissaire auprès de la Commission mondiale sur l'économie et le climat. Sa nomination est intervenue lors d'une réunion importante de ladite Commission à Londres.
8 July 2016
Mozambique, reeling from a sovereign debt crisis, sees 2016 economic growth slowing to 4.5 percent from initial forecasts of 7 percent and needs to bring in austerity measures in an amended budget, Finance Minister Adriano Maleiane said on Thursday.
8 July 2016
Africa needs to embrace the data revolution — the exponential increase in the volume and types of data available, which is creating unprecedented opportunities to inform and transform societies. To take one small example of the potential value: telecom companies can track people’s movements using data that identify the mobile phone towers through which their calls are routed. Tracking where...
8 July 2016
Adopting a clean, inclusive, sustainable and alternative economic pathway to industrialization can save Nigeria and other African countries an estimated $30 billion a year exporting processed foods, latest United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) has shown.
7 July 2016
The executive secretary of the Economic Commission of the United Nations for Africa, Carlos Lopes, said on Tuesday in Maputo that Mozambique would have to address the problem of debt in a “faster and more spectacular” way to beat the current adverse economic environment.
6 July 2016
O secretário-executivo da Comissão Económica das Nações Unidas para África, Carlos Lopes, afirmou, esta quarta-feira, em Maputo que Moçambique terá de resolver o problema da dívida de uma forma «rápida e espetacular», para vencer a atual conjuntura económica adversa.