Carlos Lopes

Africa Cheetah Run

The Former Executive Secretary's Blog

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16 November 2015
Le Forum des patrons de presse d’Afrique s’est ouvert ce matin par un appel à l’attention des organisations de presse à accorder une plus grande attention aux questions de développement. Plus de 600 participants se sont réunis à Johannesburg pour la 7ème édition du Forum, qui se tient pour la toute première fois en Afrique australe.
16 November 2015
À la croisée des chemins au plan politique, la Tunisie doit également changer de stratégie au plan économique et se tourner davantage vers l’Afrique. Carlos Lopes, secrétaire exécutif de la Commission économique pour l'Afrique (CEA), nous livre son regard.
15 November 2015
The President of Mauritius, Ameenah Gurib-Fakim, said World Bank estimates show that Africa’s low earning income countries will remain strong.
15 November 2015
Carlos Lopes, the Executive Secretary of the UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), shared his thoughts with Africa Renewal’s Jocelyne Sambira in Addis Ababa and Kingsley Ighobor in New York.
15 November 2015
AFRICA is sliding back into economic decline hastened by the collapse of commodity prices that leave the continent exposed to the threat of increased fragility and rising debt. Most worrying of all, the migrant crisis that has assailed European nations is seen as further evidence of desperate Africans fleeing hardship and depravity.
14 November 2015
All the sound and buzz about China's investments in Africa is very misleading. India is the one making the most serious play.
14 November 2015
Le Secrétaire Exécutif de la Commission Economique pour l'Afrique (CEA), M. Carlos Lopes a appelé les responsables des médias à contrer les stéréotypes et les perceptions sur l’Afrique, à comprendre l’utilisation des données de qualité et à transformer les modèles d'affaires pour jouer le rôle de fournisseur d'un bien public.
14 November 2015
La société africaine est à un tournant historique, avec ses citoyens pris entre des économies à croissance rapide, des paysages politiques en transformation et des innovations technologiques qui ont un impact sur tous les piliers de la tradition et de la culture.
13 November 2015
African and European Union leaders ended a two-day Summit on migration, agreeing on a number of measures, “to decisively and together manage migration flows in all its aspects.” They concluded a two-day Summit in Valletta, Malta, which culminated in their committing to address the root causes of irregular migration and forced displacement, by considering migration and mobility in their...
13 November 2015
Various African leaders have called on news organizations to give greater focus to African development issues .The message was conveyed yesterday during the 7th edition of the African Media Leaders Forum held in South Africa in which more than 600 participants convened in Johannesburg.
13 November 2015
More than 600 participants convened in Johannesburg on Thursday for the 7th edition of the African Media Leaders Forum (AMLF 2015), which is being held for the first time in southern Africa.
13 November 2015
The Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa, Mr. Carlos Lopes has called on media leaders to counter stereotypes and perceptions about Africa, embrace the use of quality data and shift business models to play the role of provider of a public good. Addressing the annual African Media Leaders Forum in Johannesburg this week
12 November 2015
African democrats have used social media to mobilise recruits into popular uprisings against oppressive governments, to reverse coups and to thwart election rigging. But if digital media have helped bring down bad governments, could they also be used to build up African economies?
12 November 2015
An ‘Africa data consensus’ will reform how countries produce stats for the SDGs and social needs, says Carlos Lopes.
12 November 2015
African democrats have used social media to mobilise recruits into popular uprisings against oppressive governments, to reverse coups and to thwart election rigging. But if digital media have helped bring down bad governments, could they also be used to build up African economies?
12 November 2015
The African Media Leaders Forum opened this morning with a call to news organizations to give greater focus to development issues. More than 600 participants convened in Johannesburg for the 7th edition of the Forum, which is being held for the first time in southern Africa.
12 November 2015
Keynote speech of Mr. Carlos Lopes, Executive Secretaryof the Economic Commission for Africa; At 7th Edition of AMLF
11 November 2015
Africa needs to embrace the data revolution – the exponential increase in the volume and types of data available, which is creating unprecedented opportunities to inform and transform societies.
11 November 2015
Afrika kan prale af utrolige vækstrater. Men væksten skal gavne alle, før migrationsbølgen kan kontrolleres.
7 November 2015
Rabat — China is Africa's first trade partner but ranks behind the United States, European countries and India when it comes to Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Africa, said ECA Executive Secretary Carlos Lopes Thursday 26 November in Marrakesh (Morocco) at the 2015 Sino-African Entrepreneurs Summit (SAES 2015).
