Carlos Lopes

Africa Cheetah Run

The Former Executive Secretary's Blog

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10 December 2015
As COP21, the sixth annual United Nations Climate Change Conference, continued in Paris this week, African government officials took the opportunity to discuss ideas and their vision for meeting the continent's growing needs for more energy sources
10 December 2015
A star-studded panel of eight key African leaders convened on the sidelines of COP21 yesterday to discuss plans to meet Africa’s current and future energy needs through renewable energy.
10 December 2015
Ahistória estreitou a relação Índia-África: dos investimentos e comércio de longa data aos laços socioeconómicos, culturais e políticos; do Império Mogol à luta contra o apartheid e o colonialismo, os 10% de indianos que vivem em África estreitam esta relação, forjada num caminho de cooperação multifacetado, assente na solidariedade Sul-Sul.
10 December 2015
African countries – whether represented by official delegations or civil society advocates – have been present in full force at the Paris climate talks. As the final week of negotiations get underway, hopes remain high that Africa will secure a fair and equitable deal on three crucial fronts: climate and energy financing, adaptation and emissions reduction.
9 December 2015
Small innovation projects by Africans in Africa are already changing the lives of poor people on the ground. This is an indication that the continent is moving forward, offering solutions to climate-related challenges.
9 December 2015
A la COP21 l’Afrique a une carte à jouer. Surtout dans un contexte où elle entend donner un coup de fouet à son industrialisation.
9 December 2015
C’est aussi le continent qui en est le moins responsable avec seulement 4 % des émissions de gaz à effet de serre pour 15% de la population mondiale. Un chiffre qui n’a pas placé les chefs d’État africains à la même place que les États‐Unis, la Chine ou l’Union européenne à la table des négociations au cours de Cop 21 à Paris.
9 December 2015
Tunisia, already at a political crossroads, must now also change its economic strategy and turn more towards Africa. Carlos Lopes, Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), shares his views with us.
9 December 2015
Despite the success stories services exports in Africa, Mr Batanai Chikwenehe indicated that there is a big gap between the awareness of government in public sector and services operators and firms in the private sector, where integration in services is happening.
9 December 2015
The joint Pan African lead institutions brought together African ministers; representatives of their leaders and policymakers to plan the way forward under a new climate change agreement in Paris while upholding Africa’s priorities through regional solidarity on the Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) during the 2015 United National Conference on Climate Change in Paris (COP21)...
8 December 2015
There's an opportunity for Africa to "open new avenues" at the COP21 climate change conference. That's according to Carlos Lopes, the Executive Secretary of the UN Economic Commission for Africa, who's in Paris hoping that the continent can help strike a historic deal for the world to limit carbon emissions.
8 December 2015
Africa can leverage opportunities from climate change to engineer a new era of industrialisation that can drive clean economic growth, create sustainable jobs and reduce poverty, according to the Executive Secretary of the UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA).
8 December 2015
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will build on the expiring Millennium Development Goals, which were launched in 2000 to end extreme poverty by 2015. What do the SDGs mean for African countries?
8 December 2015
A few years back, the rest of Ghana looked on helplessly while the two dominant political parties, toggled the tenure of senior high school education between three and four years.
8 December 2015
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will build on the expiring Millennium Development Goals, which were launched in 2000 to end extreme poverty by 2015.
7 December 2015
Mardi 1er décembre est la Journée de l’Afrique, qui met le continent sous les projecteurs de la COP21, au lendemain de l’ouverture de ce sommet dédié au climat. C’est donc ce jour-là qui a été choisi pour l’inauguration officielle du Pavillon Afrique, un espace 100 % dédié au continent pour y exposer les enjeux spécifiques à l’Afrique en matière de changement climatique.
7 December 2015
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will build on the expiring Millennium Development Goals, which were launched in 2000 to end extreme poverty by 2015.
7 December 2015
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will build on the expiring Millennium Development Goals, which were launched in 2000 to end extreme poverty by 2015. What do the SDGs mean for African countries?
7 December 2015
Man hört ihn, sobald man um die Ecke biegt. Der indische Pavillon hier auf der Klimakonferenz in Paris ist als Erlebnis für alle Sinne angelegt. Auf einen etwa drei Meter breiten Wasservorhang werden die Worte „India“, „COP21“, „Paris“, „Energy“ und „Wind“ projiziert. Sie fallen wie über einen Wasserfall in ein Bassin. Dahinter ist ein Banyan-Baum aufgebaut, der in Indien üblicherweise das...
7 December 2015
Africa can leverage opportunities from climate change to engineer a new era of industrialisation that can drive clean economic growth, create sustainable jobs and reduce poverty, according to the Executive Secretary of the UN Economic Commission for Africa.
