Carlos Lopes

Africa Cheetah Run

The Former Executive Secretary's Blog

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31 March 2016
Africa’s largest economies have had a rough start to the year. With rising debts and currency crises, leaders search for “best fit” solutions amidst popular discontent in their countries. The steep drop in crude prices continues its negative impact on oil-dependent African economies, revealing a rather bleak outlook for the affected countries on various media platforms.
31 March 2016
Le continent africain dans ses prévisions de croissance n’avait pas prévu l’effondrement brutal des cours des matières premières, une chute qui contraint l’économie la plus dynamique au monde, de recourir massivement aux émissions obligataires, faisant resurgir le spectre de la dette.
30 March 2016
Dans une tribune publiée à la veille de la semaine économique de l’Afrique qui se tient à Addis Abeba du 31 mars au 6 avril, le Secrétaire exécutif de la Commission économique pour l’Afrique (CEA) met l’accent sur les enjeux de l’intégration.
30 March 2016
The spectre of high debt is raising its head again in Africa, analysts say, as sub-Saharan nations that borrowed cheaply on global markets are now squeezed by a commodities crash.
30 March 2016
Avec plus de 30 millions de kilomètres carrésde terres émergées, l’Afrique est aussi grande que l’Inde, la Chine, les États-Unis et la plus grande partie de l’Europe réunis. Faussée par la projection de Mercator, la superficie qu’on lui donne généralement est plus petite que dans la réalité, presque à l’instar d’autres attributs du continent.
30 March 2016
L'effondrement brutal des cours des matières premières et le recours grandissant aux émissions obligataires a fait resurgir ces dernières années le spectre de la dette en Afrique, qui semblait éloigné depuis les mesures d'allègement des années 2000, s'inquiètent différents observateurs.
30 March 2016
The spectre of high debt is raising its head again in Africa, analysts say, as sub-Saharan nations that borrowed cheaply on global markets are now squeezed by a commodities crash.
30 March 2016
La brutal caída de la cotización de las materias primas y el recurso creciente a la emisión de obligaciones han hecho resurgir en África el espectro de una deuda que parecía alejarse tras las medidas de alivio del déficit de los años 2000, según los especialistas.
30 March 2016
The spectre of high debt is raising its head again in Africa, analysts say, as sub-Saharan nations that borrowed cheaply on global markets are now squeezed by a commodities crash.
30 March 2016
The UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA) will sign a Memorandum of Understanding to collaborate and promote economic cooperation between Africa and Arab countries.
30 March 2016
The spectre of high debt is raising its head again in Africa, analysts say, as sub-Saharan nations that borrowed cheaply on global markets are now squeezed by a commodities crash.
30 March 2016
The spectre of high debt is raising its head again in Africa, analysts say, as sub-Saharan nations that borrowed cheaply on global markets are now squeezed by a commodities crash.
29 March 2016
Government ministers, economic experts, UN and World Bank officials have met to stress the need for greater African-led economic growth on the continent at a forum in Rwanda last week.
27 March 2016
The U.N. Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) is calling for a departure from perception-based measures of corruption and cross-country comparisons which it says are flawed and fail to provide enough guidance for policy.
26 March 2016
Kuang Weilin, who also serves as Head of the Chinese Mission to the African Union (AU) was named to the post and presented his credentials to Carlos Lopes, UNECA Executive Secretary on Monday at the headquarters of UNECA in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa.
26 March 2016
Avec plus de 30 millions de kilomètres carrés de terres émergées, l’Afrique est aussi grande que l’Inde, la Chine, les États-Unis et la plus grande partie de l’Europe réunis. Faussée par la projection de Mercator, la superficie qu’on lui donne généralement est plus petite que dans la réalité, presque à l’instar d’autres attributs du continent.
25 March 2016
Despite unprecedented growth many African countries recorded in the past decade, the Executive Secretary, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), Carlos Lopes has emphasised the need for the continent to focus on the potential offered by industrialisation to transform their economies.
25 March 2016
Kuang Weilin, qui est également le chef de la mission de Chine auprès de l'Union africaine (UA), a été nommé à ce poste et a présenté ses lettres de créance à Carlos Lopes, secrétaire exécutif de la CENUA, lundi au siège de la CENUA à Addis-Abeba, en Ethiopie.
25 March 2016
The UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) is calling for a departure from perception-based measures of corruption, and cross-country comparisons which it says are flawed and fail to provide enough guidance for policy.
24 March 2016
Despite unprecedented growth many African countries recorded in the past decade, the Executive Secretary, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), Carlos Lopes has emphasised the need for the continent to focus on the potential offered by industrialisation to transform their economies.
