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30 May 2013
Les Afriques
Le bissau guinéen Carlos Lopes, Secrétaire général adjoint de l’ONU et Secrétaire exécutif de la CEA, est l’un des témoins privilégiés des efforts du continent dans la route de l’intégration économique.
28 May 2013
Moment d'euphorie, le week-end dernier à Addis-Abeba : « Le temps de l'Afrique est venu », ont ainsi lancé de nombreux orateurs lors du 50e anniversaire de l'UA. Mais le Bissau-Guinéen Carlos Lopes veut rester lucide. Il est vrai que tout dirigeant de la Commission économique des Nations unies pour l'Afrique (CEA) doit garder la tête froide. Le secrétaire exécutif de la CEA...
27 May 2013
Newstime Africa
Young people from around Africa gathered in the historic Africa Hall for an intergenerational Youth Forum with selected Heads of States and government as part of the 50 th anniversary of the Organization for African Unity/African Union.
26 May 2013
Africa 21 Digital
25 May 2013
The celebrations to mark the 50th anniversary of the AU, the successor of the OAU, have kicked off in the Ethiopian capital city of Addis Ababa Saturday, amid rising optimism over Africa's future.
25 May 2013
The 54-member African Union, which began in 2002, still has on its table of unfinished business, the challenge of how to be a force for stability on a continent regularly troubled by violence, conflicts and coups. But this will depend on its ability to mobilise resource to implement its decisions.
23 May 2013
Newstime Africa
While acknowledging the progress made by the continent over the past 50 years, he urged the Council to not get carried away by the positive assessments coming from the outside world.
22 May 2013
The UN under secretary, Carlos Lopes, Wednesday in Addis Ababa said that the central theme of the commemorations of the 50 years of the African Union, on May 25, correctly marks the umbilical cord between the Panafricanism and the African Renaissance.
22 May 2013
Newstime Africa
Ten years after its establishment, the Africa Peer Review Mechanism, has received acclaim for its contribution to sustainable growth and development in the continent.
21 May 2013
Ongoing celebrations of 50 years of Pan Africanism will be incomplete without paying glowing tribute to the role played by our ‘foremothers’ and ‘foresisters’ in the liberation struggle, according to UNECA Executive Secretary Carlos Lopes.
18 May 2013
The East African
Private equity is the next financing frontier for Africa’s development, and is expected to reduce the continent’s dependence on aid.
17 May 2013
One main component of the report is the move toward a new "branding," an Africa that is industrialized and developed, not plagued by poverty and flooded with conflict.
14 May 2013
African Manager
Africa's negative portrayal as “a risky continent in which to do business” must be tackled, Carlos Lopes, Executive Secretary of the UNECA, told a high-level roundtable on ‘Building Private Equity and Private Capital Markets in Africa'.
14 May 2013
Brazil Arab News Agency
The third main continent will have the youngest working population in the world by 2040, according to the Economic Commission for Africa. In 20 years, Africans will total two billion people.
14 May 2013
O economista guineense Carlos Lopes defendeu segunda-feira, numa conferência em Lisboa, que o futuro da comunidade lusófona passa por reforçar a dimensão económica das relações entre os oito estados-membros que a integram.
14 May 2013
O terceiro maior continente do mundo abrigará a população economicamente ativa mais jovem do planeta em 2040 e, em 20 anos, a população africana alcançará 2 bilhões de pessoas (o dobro do número atual), segundo o secretário executivo da Comissão Econômica para África (ECA, sigla em inglês), Carlos Lopes.
12 May 2013
On dit que l’Europe a une croissance zéro, les Etats-Unis sont à 2%, l’Asie est à 4% et l’Afrique est à 5,6%. Cela donne une idée de la place de l’Afrique dans le dynamisme actuel des économies. Bien sûr, il faut aussi faire la part des choses.
9 May 2013
Les Afriques
Le bissau guinéen Carlos Lopes, Secrétaire général adjoint de l’Organisation des Nations Unies et Secrétaire exécutif de la CEA, est l’un des témoins privilégiés des efforts du continent dans la route de l’intégration économique.