Carlos Lopes

Africa Cheetah Run

The Former Executive Secretary's Blog

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13 April 2014
While Africa has recorded impressive economic growth in the past decade, more credible industrial policies and institutions are needed to advance the structural transformation of the continent, says a new report released today (11 Apr) by the United Nations and the African Union.
13 April 2014
UNITED NATIONS, Apr 13 2014 (IPS) - Youth represent 40 percent of the African continent’s population. This number is expected to rise over the next 20 years and represents the population bearing the brunt of African economies’ failure to create sufficient jobs and address poor economic management.
13 April 2014
Africa’s economic performance over the last decade has been remarkable, having reached an average growth of 5%. If this growth is maintained, projections indicate that Africa’s GDP should increase approximately threefold by 2030 and sevenfold by 2050, outstripping Asia’s. However, this growth has not translated into jobs or tackling inequalities.
13 April 2014
While Africa has recorded impressive economic growth in the past decade, more credible industrial policies and institutions are needed to advance the structural transformation of the continent, says a new report released today (11 Apr) by the United Nations and the African Union.
13 April 2014
UNITED NATIONS, Apr 13 2014 (IPS) - Youth represent 40 percent of the African continent’s population. This number is expected to rise over the next 20 years and represents the population bearing the brunt of African economies’ failure to create sufficient jobs and address poor economic management.
12 April 2014
DAKAR: Three years after disputed elections led to bloodshed, Ivory Coast has emerged as one of the most exciting opportunities for private equity investors in Africa, with a dynamic workforce keen to put a decade of turmoil behind it, a senior investor said on Friday.
12 April 2014
African governments must place credible industrial policies at the centre of their macroeconomic strategies if countries are to achieve growth that is inclusive. That was the main thrust of The Economic Report on Africa 2014 edition – the yearly flagship documents produced by the African Union Commission and the UN Economic Commission for Africa.
12 April 2014
New York, Apr 12 (IBNS): While Africa has recorded impressive economic growth in the past decade, more credible industrial policies and institutions are needed to advance the structural transformation of the continent, says a new report released on Friday by the United Nations and the African Union.
12 April 2014
Les pays africains devraient adopter des politiques industrielles crédibles et promouvoir des organisations efficaces chargées de la politique industrielle afin de renforcer la transformation structurelle du continent, estiment la Commission économique des Nations Unies pour l'Afrique (CEA) et la Commission de l'Union africaine (UA) dans un nouveau rapport publié vendredi.
12 April 2014
African governments must place credible industrial policies at the centre of their macroeconomic strategies if countries are to achieve growth that is inclusive. That was the main thrust of The Economic Report on Africa 2014 edition – the yearly flagship documents produced by the African Union Commission and the UN Economic Commission for Africa.
12 April 2014
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia - The UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) has called for increments in the private equity funds investment in Africa to improve infrastructure. UNECA Executive Director, Carlos Lopes, said on Wednesday that the private equity funds performed better than listed stocks.
12 April 2014
- The continent has lost USD 1.3 trillion to capital flight in a decade
12 April 2014
African governments must place credible industrial policies at the centre of their macroeconomic strategies if countries are to achieve growth that is inclusive. That was the main thrust of The Economic Report on Africa 2014 edition – the yearly flagship documents produced by the African Union Commission and the UN Economic Commission for Africa.
12 April 2014
While Africa has recorded impressive economic growth in the past decade, more credible industrial policies and institutions are needed to advance the structural transformation of the continent, says a new report released today by the United Nations and the African Union.
12 April 2014
This year’s UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and the African Union (AU) Economic Report on Africa states has warned that the transforming Africa’s industrial landscape could fail if policies were not organic and contextual.While Africa has recorded impressive economic growth in the past decade, more credible industrial policies and institutions are needed to advance the structural...
11 April 2014
Les pays africains sont invités à prendre des mesures appropriées pour résoudre le problème de la fuite des capitaux du continent, qui pourraient être utilisés pour le développement durable et pour le programme de transformation de l'Afrique.
11 April 2014
Addis Ababa. Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa, Carlos Lopes has called on countries to tackle capital flight and tax havens in Africa with a sense of urgency.
11 April 2014
Les pays africains sont invités à prendre des mesures appropriées pour résoudre le problème de la fuite des capitaux du continent, qui pourraient être utilisés pour le développement durable et pour le programme de transformation de l'Afrique.
11 April 2014
For centuries, colonial-era merchants tussled for access to Africa's raw materials, and huge swathes of Africa's geography became synonymous with the main commodity they exported: Gold Coast, Ivory Coast, the Spice Island of Zanzibar.
11 April 2014
Abuja — The United Nations Under-Secretary General and Executive Secretary for the Economic Commission for Africa, Mr. Carlos Lopes, urged African countries to prioritize renewable energy and develop leap-frogging capability to ensure that Africa does not make the same mistakes as developed countries deed in their industrialisation process.
