Expected Outcomes and Outputs


The discussions and dialogue during the conference will result in:

  • Increased dialogue and communication space for research, policy and practice nexus.
  • Informed strategic direction of ClimDev-Africa programme and strengthened strategic alliances and partnerships for Africa’s climate and development agenda.
  •  Enhanced awareness and understanding of the current institutional and policy initiatives and ownership of the processes of integrating climate change in Africa’s development agenda.
  • Increased understanding of existing situation and future needs on climate data, information, science and service delivery in Africa.
  • Enhanced understanding of the exposure, risks and vulnerability of the continent to the impacts of climate change.
  • Increased awareness on energy sources, development and access as well as the roles in  development and economic transformation  in Africa.
  • Strengthened preparedness of Africa’s negotiators and participants of the CoP18.


Key information and reports will be produced and disseminated during and after the conference. These include:

  • Conference report
  • Working Papers
  • Policy Briefs
  • Press releases
  • Daily bulletins
  • Web publication compendium of the conference proceedings