Publications and Resources

List of CDD Publications as of August 2015


  • Consolidated progress report to the fifteenth session of the Regional Coordination Mechanism for Africa
  • Report of the fifteenth session of the Regional Coordination Mechanism for Africa , Theme: United Nations support for Africa’s integration in the context of the African Union’s Agenda 2063 
  • Report on United Nations support to the African Union and its New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) programme- 2014
  • The Second Triennial Review of the United Nations Ten-Year Capacity Building Programme of the African Union 
  • Report of EGM on Strengthening Subregional Coordination in support of AU and NEPAD, “Theme: Building Coherence and Collaboration for Regional Integration” 
  • Gender Equality and the African Peer Review Mechanism 
  • Report of EGM on the Colloquim on Africa’s Economic Integration: Internal Challenges and External Threats 
  • Report of EGM on  “The African Peer Review Mechanism and Managing Diversity: The Gender Dimension” 
  • Report of EGM to review the study on enhancing the policy, legal and regulatory environment for infrastructure finance in Africa 


  • Consolidated progress report to the Sixteenth Session of the Regional Coordination Mechanismfor Africa
  • Report of the Sixteenth session of the Regional Coordination Mechanism for Africa, Theme: UN system Support to the AU 2015 Year of Women’s Empowerment and Development towards Africa Union Agenda 2063 
  • The Report on the Regional Development Cooperation Framework
  • Report on United Nations support to the African Union and its New Partnership for Africa’s Development programme- 2015 (PAIDA)
  • Unlocking the investment space:  policy, legal and regulatory environment for infrastructure in Africa 
  • The Nexus between Regional Integration and Conflicts   
  • Report on Monitoring and Evaluation in the RCM
  • Report on the Training Workshop on Monitoring and Evaluation 
  • Report on the Workshop on Strengthening the Subregional Coordination Mechanism