748 (XXVIII). Population, family and sustainable development


The Conference of Ministers,


            Recalling its resolution 506 (XIX) of 26 May 1984 endorsing the Kilimanjaro Programme of Action for African Population and Self-Reliant Development,


            Recalling Economic and Social Council resolution 1989/94 of 26 July 1989 on support for African countries in the field of population


            Recalling also Economic and Social Council resolution 1989/91 of 26 July 1989 on the convening of an international meeting on population in 1994 which requested the Secretary-General of the United Nations to ensure, among other things, that the regional commissions make a substantive contribution to the international meeting on population,


            Recalling further Economic and Social Council resolution 1991/93 of 26 July 1991 which decided that the meeting should be called the International Conference on Population and Development and which invited regional commissions to convene conferences to review regional population policies and programmes and to propose future action as part of their contribution to the preparations for the 1994 Conference to be held in Cairo, from 5 to 13 September,


            Recognizing the interrelationship between population and development as stated in General Assembly resolution 45/199 containing the International Development Strategy for the Fourth United Nations Development Decade, resolution 45/206 on the implementation of the Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries during the 1990s and resolution 45/216 on population and development, all of 21 December 1990,


            Taking note of the report of the third African Population Conference held in Dakar, Senegal, from 7 to 12 December 1992,


            Reaffirming its commitment to the recommendations spelled out in the kilimanjaro Programme of Action,


            1.         Approves the Dakar/Ngor Declaration on Population, Family and Sustainable Development;


            2.         Requests African Governments to use the Declaration on Population, Family and Sustainable Development in all preparatory activities and ensure that their delegations to the International Conference on Population and Development and to future United Nations Population Commission meetings use it as a reference document to ensure adequate consideration of the priority interests of Africa in population activities;


            3.         Invites the Executive Secretary to take appropriate steps to ensure that the principles and objectives of the Dakar-Ngor Declaration on Population, Family and Sustainable Development as well as the recommendations contained therein are incorporated in the work programme and priorities of the Commission and to establish a follow-up Committee of member States in cooperation with the Organization of African Unity, the Africa Development Bank and the United Nations Population Fund;


            4.         Requests the Secretary-General of the International Conference on Population and Development to provide the necessary resources to ensure the participation of African Governments to the Conference;


            5.         Calls upon all organizations in the United Nations system, the Organization of African Unity, the African Development Bank, intergovernmental, subregional, interregional and national organizations involved in population activities in the region to cooperate with African Governments to implement the Declaration;


            6.         Requests donor countries and agencies to increase the resources they provide to the United Nations Population Fund for its work in Africa;


            7.         Invites the United Nations Population Fund to step up it assistance to national and regional population programmes in Africa.


                                                                                                                                          285th meeting,

                                                                                                                                             4 May 1993.