864(XLII) Repositioning of the African Institute for Economic Development and Planning (IDEP)


The Conference of Ministers,


Recalling its resolution 851(XL) of 2 April 2008 on IDEP in which it mandated the Executive Secretary of ECA, in his capacity as Chairman of the Governing Council, to take all the necessary measures to reposition the Institute.

Recalling also its resolution 846(XXXIX) of 15 May 2006 on the mandate and operations of IDEP:

Noting with appreciation the updated report presented on the repositioning of IDEP, which outlined the major steps taken and the measures proposed for revamping the programmes and diversifying the services provided by the Institute, as articulated by its newly recruited Director;

  1. Congratulates the new Director of IDEP upon his appointment and extends its support and cooperation to him;

  2. Endorses the broad vision and strategic orientation for the renewal of the Institute which the Director has presented;

  3. Encourages the IDEP leadership to continue the consultative process for the speedy completion of the repositioning of the Institute, including innovative methods of financing and programming for the long term;

  4. Appreciates the financial contributions received from some member States, and requests those who have not paid their contributions to do so;

  5.  Requests the Director of IDEP, in close collaboration with the Governing Council of the Institute, to report on the new strategic orientation and priorities as well as the status of implementation of the IDEP repositioning exercise to the next session of the Conference.