800 (XXX). Strategy and Action Plan for Water Resources Assessment, Development and Management in Africa

The Conference of Ministers,


            Aware that water resources assessment, development and management contribute significantly to the socio-economic development of Africa in general and to agricultural development in particular,


            Further aware that although the African region is relatively well-endowed with water resources potential, the bulk of which is yet to be harnessed for sustainable development, there exists water stress and water scarcity in many African countries, thereby leading to user conflicts,


            Recognizing the frequent recurrence of drought in Africa and the negative effects it has on food production and availability of water,


            Recalling the relevant recommendations of the 1977 Mar del Plata Action Plan and the subsequent African Regional Strategy adopted by the 1980 Lagos Plan of Action and the relevant provisions of chapter 18 of Agenda 21 adopted by the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in 1992,


            Cognizant of the conclusions and recommendations of the World Bank/United Nations Development Programme Sub-Saharan Africa Hydrological Assessment Project which identified the recent deterioration and need for upgrading and strengthening of hydrological and hydro-meteorological services in Africa,


            Taking note of the report on food and agriculture production, food security and food self-sufficiency in Africa,


            Taking note also of the conclusions of the Economic Commission for Africa/World Meteorological Organization International Conference on Water Resources:  Policy and Assessment, in March 1995, which adopted a Strategy and Plan of Action for Water Resources Assessment in Africa to be implemented by the member States in partnership with subregional and regional and international organizations and other support agencies,


            Highly appreciative of and expressing satisfaction at the existing exemplary cooperation and collaboration between the World Meteorological organization and the Economic Commission or Africa,


            1.         Urges all African countries to:


            (a)        Adopt the strategy and plan of action presented in the Report of the Economic Commission for Africa/World Meteorological Organization Water Conference and use it in implementing their programmes of water resources assessment, development and management;


            (b)        Initiate actions to develop and/or strengthen management and technical capabilities (including relevant institution and infrastructure building), promote awareness, establish sustainable financial base and adopt an integrated approach for sustainable water resources development and management;


            2.         Calls upon the concerned subregional and regional intergovernmental development organizations such as the Organization of African Unity, the African Development Bank, the African Centre of Meteorological Applications for Development, the Regional Centre for Training in Aerospace Surveys, the Intergovernmental Authority on Drought and Development, the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment, the African Organization for Cartography and Remote Sensing and the various river/lake basin organizations to:


            (a)        Promote and strengthen inter-country cooperation for integrated development of trans-boundary river/lake ground-water basins;


            (b)        Promote and implement initiatives to provide incentives to national and regional programmes in water resources monitoring, assessment and development, especially as it relates to agricultural development;


            3.         Further calls upon Africa's development partners to:


            (a)        Incorporate the strategy and plan of action in their programmes of assistance for water resources assessment and integrated water resources management in the African countries;


            (b)        Promote this strategy and plan of action for water resources assessment in Africa in the context of a comprehensive approach to sustainable development and provide financial support for its implementation;


            4.         Requests the Economic Commission for Africa to continue to cooperate with the World Meteorological Organization in its support to African countries and take a leadership role, in collaboration with other United Nations organizations as well as national, subregional and regional organizations involved in the water sector in Africa to:


            (a)        Actively promote this strategy and plan of action for water resources assessment in Africa in the context of comprehensive approach to sustainable development;


            (b)        Mobilize the necessary support for its implementation.


                                                                                                                                          296th meeting,

                                                                                                                                             3 May 1995.