About ACPC

Our overall goal is to contribute to poverty reduction through successful mitigation and adaptation to climate change in Africa and to improve the capacity of African countries to participate effectively in multilateral climate negotiations.
Our vision is “to make Africa’s development sustainable, inclusive and climate-resilient”. Our mission is “to influence, strengthen and enable the transition to climate-resilient development in Africa through responsive policies, plans and programmes towards transformed economies, healthy ecosystems and human wellbeing”.
ACPC came into operation in 2010. The ClimDev-Africa programme, a 10-year initiative to support the integration of climate change into development policy on the continent, was also launched that year and became operational in 2011, with the ACPC as its secretariat. The first phase of the ClimDev-Africa programme was supported financially by the European Union, France, Norway, Sweden, the Department for International Development, the Nordic Development Fund and the United States Agency for International Development. Funding focused on supporting investments in physical infrastructure and human capacity for the generation and packaging of climate information and the development of climate information services, research and analysis to support policymaking on the continent and climate governance processes. This phase came to an end in 2016. Extension and expansion of the programme to address the changing landscape of climate change and development contexts on the continent, within the overall post-2015 regional and global development agendas is underway.
Building on progress achieved during the first phase of the ClimDev-Africa, in 2017. ACPC developed a new strategy to guide implementation of its activities for the next 5-years.
ACPC objectives
- Strengthening the capacity of African countries to participate in global climate governance;
- Enhancing the capacity of African countries to develop coherent policy frameworks for coordinating adaptation and mitigation investment in climate information and knowledge generated at all levels;
- Improving the capacity of African countries to mainstream climate concerns into development frameworks;
- Ensuring a solid foundation of applied climate science and assessment of climate vulnerability, risks and impacts;
- Identifying sectoral priorities and responses for managing climate risks and guiding related investments.
Focus Areas
Projects and Activities
The Weather and Climate Information Services for Africa (WISER) was conceived by DfID in 2015 to stimulate the uptake of climate information by policy makers and vulnerable groups including the youth and women.
WISER is composed of two components:
- The East Africa component whose implementation is led by the UK Met-Office
- The Pan Africa component led by ACPC
For further information on WISER Pan-Africa component, click here.
The Africa Climate Resilient Investment Facility (AFRI-RES) is an Africa-based networked centre of technical competence and excellence with the overall objective to strengthen the capacity of African institutions (including national governments, river basin organizations, Regional Economic Communities, power pools, among others) as well as the private sector (project developers and financiers) to plan, design, and implement infrastructure investments that are resilient to climate variability and change in selected sectors. The Facility is now operational with initial seed funding from the Nordic Development Fund (NDF).
For further information on AFRI-RES, click here.
The Climate Research for Development in Africa (CR4D) initiative was launched to strength¬en links between climate science research and climate information needs in support of development planning in Africa. It is an Afri¬ca-led initiative supported by a partnership between the African Climate Policy Centre of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), the African Ministerial Conference on Mete¬orology, the World Meteorological Organiza¬tion (WMO)
For further information on CR4D, click here.
ClimDev-Africa, the Climate for Development in Africa initiative, is a joint Programme of the African Union Commission (AUC), the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and the African Devel¬opment Bank (AfDB), mandated to:
- Create a solid foundation for an appropriate response to climate change through research and policy analysis.
- Strengthen the policy response to climate change by building the ca¬pacities of sub-regional and national organizations and guiding policy formulation.
For further information on ClimDev-Africa, click here.