Implementing the Paris Agreement in Africa

Africa’s negotiating position on climate change is articulated by the African Group of Negotiators (AGN) under the guidance of the African Union Assembly, the Committee of African Heads of State and Government on Climate Change (CAHOSCC), the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN). The AGN consists of technical negotiators of every African country. One country is selected to chair the group for a period of two years.

ECA and its ClimDev-Africa partners have traditionally supported the African group of negotiators (AGN) in the UNFCCC negotiations process through technical back stopping on vexing issues, research and communications. ECA hosts the AGN every year for a workshop where representatives of governments assemble to agree on common positions in various negotiation tracks of the UNFCCC process. The negotiators in addition, via this platform, furnish their requirements for research and technical support to both ECA and other support partners.

During the Conference of Parties to the UNFCCC (COP) meetings held each years, ACPC and its ClimDev-Africa partners organize Africa Day (as a side event) and a Dinner Dialogue for policy makers and other stakeholders where climate change policy and development issues relating to the UNFCCC process are discussed.

In 2015 African positions on the post Kyoto climate agreement are still developing in the lead up to the COP 21. These positions are in many ways a conglomeration of national development interest, and African negotiators and governments will require logistical and substantive content support to project these positions into the global negotiations. The Governance and Policy work stream will, in coordination with the other work streams, support the African participation in COP21. ACPC will also lead the conceptualization, convening and facilitation of the Africa Pavilion at COP 21.