Pre Forum Activities
ADF IV will be more than several days of meetings. The process has started at the national level through a wide consultative process, and through ECA's groundbreaking 28-country study on "Measuring and Monitoring Progress towards Good Governance in Africa." Data from household surveys and
Expert Panels-of some 100 members per country-have yielded 83 indicators to provide an objective tool to measure and monitor progress towards good governance.
The countries involved in the study are: Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Egypt, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mali, Mauritius, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
This type of in-depth evaluation on governance has never been undertaken in Africa. Since ADF IV will take place at the end of the first phase of ECA's assessment, the dialogue at the Forum will be enriched by the empirical findings and analysis to be showcased in the inaugural Africa Governance Report.
Sub-regional workshops were held prior to ADF IV to broaden perspectives and synthesize lessons learned and best practices, for presentation at the Forum. The outcomes of the ADF will inform the expansion of the ECA governance project to include other countries, as well as the dissemination of lessons and best practices.
Sub-regional Workshop Reports
[ PDF files: East, North, South, West, Central]
24-26 November 2003, Zambia. Subregional Workshop on “Perspectives on Governance in Southern and Eastern Africa.” Lessons from 14 countries in ECA’s Africa governance project.
1-3 December 2003, Ghana. Subregional Workshop on “Perspectives on Governance in Central and West Africa.” Lessons from 11 countries in ECA’s Africa governance project.
8-9 December 2003, Egypt. Subregional Workshop on “Perspectives on Governance in the North and Horn of Africa.” Lessons from 3 countries in ECA’s Africa governance project.