Pre-ADF Symposiums

October 10, 2004
Pre-symposiums on "Youth and Governance" and "Civil Society and Governance"


Youth and Governance

With the bulk of the African population below the age of 30, the burden of Africa’s protracted political and economic crises afflicting the continent falls on young people. Today’s youth will become tomorrow’s leaders of African nations and community leaders making decisions that will have enormous impact. The assets and talents of youth should be nurtured to enable for effective human resource development. The challenge therefore is to mobilize the energies of youth and transform governance systems in such a way that they feel included and represented. Discussions will be structured around three principal issues: youth, democracy and governance; youth and HIV/AIDS and youth employment; and youth educational.

Perspectives on Youth and Governance

By Muzwakhe Alfred Sigudhla, President SADC Youth Movement, Coordinator NEPAD Youth Summit 2005.
::  Presentation.

Speech by H.E. Ambassador Teshome Toga ,
Minister of Youth, Sports and Culture, Ethiopia.

Opening Statement by Mr. K.Y. Amoako,
Executive Secretary of ECA.
(The speech was delivered by Ms. Jennifer Kargbo, Office-in-Charge of the Development Policy and Management Division of the ECA)

Presentation on ADF IV

Other documents

 Draft work programme (updated)

Civil Society and Governance Symposium

The Symposium on Civil Society Participation in Development and Governance Processes is being organized by ECA in collaboration with AU in order to find ways to strengthen civil society organizations’ (CSOs) participation in the process of public policy formulation, implementation and evaluation at the national and local levels, based on the core values of dialogue, negotiation and partnership. Four breakout sessions will include formulation of public policy; transparency and access to information; delivery of public services; and justice, rights and the rule of law. It is expected that the symposium’s agreement on key areas of concern and consensus on recommended actions will guide the plenary deliberations on CSOs and governance during ADF-IV itself. Accordingly, ECA will draw up guidelines on feasible forms of CSOs participation in development and governance processes and conditions for their realization. A post-ADF Ad-hoc Experts Group Meeting will review the guidelines before dissemination to member States and other stakeholders.