Elements of a 5‐year LPI Strategic Plan and Roadmap (2012‐2016)
Elements of a 5-year LPI Strategic Plan and Roadmap (2012-2016)
LPI Vision
A peaceful and prosperous Africa realized through equitable access, efficient and sustainable utilization of land
LPI Mission
To ensure all land users have equitable access to Land and security of all bundles of land rights, through effective partnerships, dialogue and capacity building for participatory and consultative land policy formulation and implementation, and efficient and transparent Land administration in both customary and statutory jurisdictions
LPI Goal
The principal goal of the LPI is “to assist member states in the implementation of the AU Declaration on land Issues and challenges in Africa, in accordance with the Framework and Guidelines on Land Policy in Africa, in order to achieve socio-economic development, peace and security, and environmental sustainability”
LPI Objectives
To facilitate the implementation of the AU Declaration of Land Issues and Challenges in Africa through:
- Advocating for the inclusion of land in the development agenda, strategies and programmes of African tri-partite organizations, Regional Economic Communities, African Member States and development partners
- Coordinating and galvanize the efforts of partners towards effective synergies and partnerships for the implementation of the African agenda on Land Policy, as stated in the Declaration
- Facilitating resource mobilization in support of land policy related research, advocacy, capacity building, technical support and advisory services
- Facilitating dialogue on land related issues with a view to raising awareness on the importance of addressing challenges that hamper the appropriate utilization of land towards Africa’s socio-economic development, peace and security and environmental sustainability
- Facilitating capacity building at all levels in support of land policy development and implementation in Africa
- Providing technical support and advisory services to RECs and members states on land policy development and implementation
- Promoting networking and knowledge sharing at all levels in order to promote evidence-based land formulation and implementation
- Develop and build capacity for monitoring and evaluation tools and systems in support of land policy development and implementation