Draft Annotated Agenda - Conference of Ministers

1. Opening of the Conference and Commemoration of ECA's 50 th Anniversary

The opening statements will be delivered by the United Nations Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa , the President of the African Development Bank, the Chairperson of the Commission of the African Union, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the Outgoing Chair of the AU Conference of Ministers of Economy and Finance, and the Outgoing Chair of the ECA Conference of Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development.

2. Presidential reflections

This session is a special event organized as part of activities to mark the 50 th Anniversary celebrations of ECA. It seeks to engage eminent personalities with the view to benefiting from their intellectual leadership and extensive knowledge of African development issues and policies. It is therefore envisaged that the reflections will feed into and help shape Africa's development policy. During the session, an eminent African leader will present an overview of the theme: Africa's New Development Challenges , after which invited African Heads of State will speak on issues related to Growth and Employment as well as Governance and Capable States.

3. High-level thematic debate

The high-level thematic debate will be animated by internationally recognized personalities and will focus on three pressing issues, namely: Empowering the Poor; Climate Change and Development; and HIV/AIDS. The purpose of this debate is to demonstrate the importance of tackling these challenges and to provide a platform for developing policy recommendations.

Tuesday, 1 April

4. Election of the Bureau

The election of the Bureau will be followed by a short statement by the new Chairperson of the Commission/Conference.

5. Adoption of the draft agenda and programme of work

The Conference will be invited to adopt the draft agenda and programme of work.

6. Ministerial policy debate on the theme: Meeting Africa's New Challenges in the 21 st Century

The Commissioner for Economic Affairs of the African Union Commission will make the introductory statement for this session, which will be based on the outcome of the Presidential Reflections. Essentially, the outcome of the Presidential session will inform and set the tone for the Ministerial Policy debate on the theme of the Conference . The debate will address issues related to Growth and Employment, which remains key to improving the human condition in Africa; Climate Change, which could present a significant risk to Africa including in areas such as food security, housing and settlement patterns; Governance and the Capable State, especially the weak capability of the State to provide essential social services, prevent leakages of financial resources, and create an environment conducive to growth and development. The Ministerial debate is also envisaged to address the n ew dynamics in globalization, including recent trends in trade negotiations and the emergence of new global economic actors. The session is expected to reach a consensus on the policy measures that African countries could consider in meeting the new challenges of the 21 st Century.

7. Ministerial panel discussion on topical social and economic issues

Under this item of the agenda, two Ministers selected on subregional basis will make keynote addresses on (a) the impact of recent rise in oil prices on Africa's economies; and (b) Africa's debt situation.

Wednesday, 2 April

8. Regional review of Financing for Development

The secretariat will make a presentation under this item of the agenda followed by a discussion. The presentation will highlight the perspectives of African countries on the Monterrey Consensus. It will assess the state of progress and challenges in the implementation of the Consensus and propose concrete measures on how to move the Financing for Development agenda forward. In essence, the presentation will highlight the findings of a survey of African policy makers that ECA commissioned to gauge their perspectives on the implementation of the Monterrey Consensus in Africa. The survey focused on the following areas: mobilizing domestic financial resources; mobilizing international resources for development; promoting international trade as an engine of development; increasing international financial and technical cooperation; external debt sustainability; and addressing systemic issues.

9. Regional review of the ECOSOC Annual Ministerial Review (AMR)

Resolution 61/16 of the United Nations General Assembly stipulates that the Annual Ministerial Review (AMR) should be convened during the ECOSOC high-level segment meeting and should focus on issues highlighted at the major United Nations conferences and summits, including the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). This session will review the first AMR convened 3-4 July 2007 in Geneva within the context of the newly strengthened Economic and Social Council. The theme of the review was "Strengthening efforts to eradicate poverty and hunger, including through the global partnership for development".

10. Consideration of the report and major recommendations of the meeting of the Committee of Experts of the Joint Annual Meetings of the AU Conference of Ministers of Economy and Finance and ECA Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development

The Conference will have before it the report of the Committee of Experts held in Addis Ababa 26-29 March 2008. The report will highlight the main issues as well as the conclusions and recommendations considered by the Committee. And the Conference will be invited to consider the report of the Committee.

11. Any other business

12. Consideration and adoption of the draft Ministerial Declaration and draft resolutions

After consideration, the Ministers will adopt a Ministerial Statement, which will articulate their views on the theme of the Conference and other related issues. They will also consider and adopt relevant resolutions.

13. Closing of the Conference

The United Nations Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of ECA, and the AU Commissioner for Economic Affairs will make closing remarks. The Chairperson of the Conference will close the event.