Launch of a capacity building workshop on the evaluation of public policies in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)

Kuala Lumpur,  July 29 to August 02 , 2019 – African high level officials working in Evaluating public policy are participating in a five-day Training on  this topic. The training is jointly organized by the Institute of Economic Development and Planning (IDEP) of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), the National institute of Public Administration (INTAN) and the Malaysian Technical cooperation (MTCP)programme.

IDEP has selected twenty high level officials  from  20 countries with  balance representation of each African region.

In his opening remarks, Dr. Azmi Omar noted that the  relevance in this topics, and the south -south cooperation. Following to this remarks M. CISSE, express his honor and congratulation to represent IDEP in this opening and he emphasis on the necessity to benefit from Malaysia ‘s expertise and experience in this field of public policy evaluating. So, an appeal to the participants to consider this training as a framework for exchange  and sharing, thus the mutual enrichment.

In the context   that Malaysian plan “Anchoring Growth on People” ensures that no part of the society if left behind as the country moves forward and is aligned to most of the SDGs and  the relevance of evaluating public policy, the African Institute for Economic Development (IDEP) and the Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme (MTCP) are organizing jointly a one-week course on Evaluating Public Policy in Malaysia’s Perspective for the benefit of African officials.

This training is part of IDEP’s collaborative courses  which focuses on enhancing the capacity of government officials within the various planning units, to monitor and evaluate strategies for the African  countries.  

In this regard, participants will be exposed to the experience of Malaysia in public policy implementation, monitoring and evaluation through some case studies. There will also be a comparison with African experiences in terms of policy evaluation. Thus, the course will encourage experiences sharing and learning of good practices. 

The training is led by experts from university of Malaya, from INTAN

Dr Mamadou Cisse

Traininf Officer