Marrakesh, 27 March 2019 (ECA) - ECA Executive Secretary Vera Songwe met on Tuesday 26 March in Marrakech the Islamic Republic of Mauritania Minister of Economy and Finance Moctar Ould Diay, on the sidelines of the ECA 52nd Session and Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development.
Ould Diay commended ECA for its support to the Mauritanian National Voluntary Report (RNV) for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and for its work with the National Institute for Statistics. He asked for ECA’s assistance in developing local and regional offshoots of the SCAPP strategy launched in January 2018, known as the Regional Accelerated Growth and Shared Prosperity Strategies.
Songwe and Ould Diay discussed digitization and digital identity issues and agreed on the need for countries such as Mauritania to make a general assessment of their situations, identify gaps and promote good practices.
The minister expressed his wish to see Mauritania be among the first beneficiaries of the ECA digital program and asked ECA to provide capacity building assistance for the benefit of the newly formed Public Private Partnerships Unit of the ministry of Economy and Finance.
The meeting was also an opportunity to discuss Mauritania's support to the Africa Women Leadership Fund established by ECA to strengthen female economic empowerment by accelerating the growth of African women fund managers.
Communication Team
Economic Commission for Africa
Office for North Africa
Tel: +212 (0) 537 548 749
Email: filali-ansary@un.org; cea.an.coms@gmail.com