Draft Annotated Agenda - Meeting of the Committee of Experts

Meeting of the Committee of Experts of the Seventh Joint Annual Meetings of the ECA Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development and AU Conference of Ministers of Economy and Finance

Abuja, Nigeria
25-28 March 2014


Theme: Industrialization for inclusive and transformative development in Africa


1. Opening of the meeting

The opening session will be presided over by the Chair of the outgoing Bureau of the Committee of Experts until a new Bureau is elected. Opening statements will be delivered by:

  • Chair of the outgoing Bureau of the Committee of Experts
  • Dr. Anthony Mothae Maruping, Commissioner for Economic Affairs, African Union Commission (AUC)
  • Mr. Abdalla Hamdok, Deputy Executive Secretary, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA)
    • Representative of the Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria

2.  Election of the Bureau and adoption of the agenda and programme of work

Under this item, the composition of the new Bureau will be announced following consultations between the heads of delegation. The Bureau will comprise five members – one Chair, three Vice-Chairs and one Rapporteur – elected on the basis of equitable geographical representation. After making a few brief remarks, the incoming Chair will preside over the rest of the proceedings. The membership of the current Bureau is attached as an annex to the present annotated agenda.

The Committee will be invited to consider and adopt the provisional agenda and programme of work, subject to such amendments as are deemed necessary.

3. Overview of recent economic and social developments in Africa

Under this agenda item, the secretariat will present an overview of recent economic and social developments in Africa. The presentation will highlight recent developments in the global economy and their implications for Africa. It will analyse trends in regional and subregional economic performance, including trends in social development and the continent’s growth prospects for 2014. It will also examine the underlying policy initiatives and options to deal with emerging issues and longer-term challenges. This will be followed by a general discussion on the main policy issues and recommendations highlighted in the presentation. The overview will draw on the Economic Report on Africa 2014.

4. Review of progress towards the Millennium Development Goals and the Common African Position on the post-2015 development agenda

Under this agenda item, the Committee will consider and review a report on progress towards the Millennium Development Goals in Africa, including the common African position on the post-2015 development agenda.

5. Assessment of progress on regional integration in Africa

Under this agenda item, the secretariat will present a progress report on the status of regional integration in Africa, including key challenges and constraints. The presentation will be based on recent research findings and analytical work jointly undertaken by AUC and ECA on the qualitative and quantitative assessment of progress towards achieving integration in various sectors. The presentation will be followed by a general discussion on key issues highlighted by the secretariat with a view to distilling policies and strategies for accelerating the integration process.

6. Presentation and discussion on the theme of the Conference: “Industrialization for inclusive and transformative development in Africa”

Under this agenda item, the secretariat will give a brief presentation introducing the theme of the Conference, which will draw on the issues paper and other background documents on the theme. The presentation will be followed by general interactive discussions. The aim of this session is to highlight critical issues related to the theme of the Conference in order to distil policy recommendations for inclusive and transformative industrialization development in Africa. In particular, the discussions will highlight the role of the private and public sectors in the area of capacities and institutions for industrial development, the role of technology transfer and innovation for enhanced productivity and competitiveness, and inclusive growth and job creation.

7. Presentation and discussion by AUC on the report on South-South and triangular cooperation in support of Africa post-2015

8. Discussion on the Cost of Hunger in Africa: Social and Economic impact of child under nutrition in Egypt, Ethiopia, Swaziland and Uganda

Under this item, the World Food Programme will give a presentation on the Cost of Hunger in Africa study. The experts will then discuss the progress and results of the study as well as the actions triggered so far following the dissemination of the study’s results in participating countries; elaborate on the policy implications of the study; look at the next steps and the support to be given to countries in the future; discuss how actions on eliminating stunting link to broader nutrition initiatives, such as Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) and Renewed Efforts Against Child Hunger (REACH); and elaborate on priority areas where global, coherent and coordinated action is needed to eliminate stunting throughout Africa.

9.  Presentation of statutory issues

Under this agenda item, AUC and the ECA secretariat will make presentations on various statutory issues related to their work and their respective subsidiary organs. The Committee will be required to consider and make recommendations to the Conference for further guidance and action as appropriate. This year, the Committee will consider and make recommendations on the following important statutory issues and reports:

(a) Report of the Extraordinary Expert Group Meeting

(b Progress report on Agenda 2063

(c) ECA annual report 2014

(d) Draft proposed ECA strategic framework/biennial programme plan for the period 2016-2017

(e) Report on the follow-up to the decisions and recommendations of the 2013 Joint Annual Meetings of the ECA Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development and AU Conference of Ministers of Economy and Finance

(f) Information note on upcoming major conferences of AUC and ECA

(g) Report of the Office of Internal Oversight Services’ programme evaluation of ECA

(h) Progress report on the work of the United Nations African Institute for Economic Development and Planning

(i) Progress report on United Nations system-wide support to the African Union and its NEPAD programme

(j) Report on the outcomes of the nineteenth session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

(k)   Report on the New Continent wide gender equality and women’s empowerment initiative

10. Any other business

The Committee may raise other matters not covered under the items mentioned above.

11. Consideration and adoption of the draft report of the Committee of Experts and the draft resolutions

The Committee will consider and adopt a draft report of its meeting, containing major recommendations and draft resolutions based on the agenda of the meeting, for submission to the Conference of Ministers.

12. Closing of the meeting

The AU Commissioner for Economic Affairs and the Deputy Executive Secretary of ECA will both make brief closing remarks. The Chair of the Bureau of the Committee of Experts will summarize the main outcomes of the deliberations before bringing the meeting to a close.