
Seventh Joint Annual Meetings of the ECA Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development and AU Conference of Ministers of Economy and Finance


Abuja, Nigeria

29 and 30 March 2014


Draft Provisional Agenda 

Theme: Industrialization for Inclusive and Transformative Development in Africa




  1. Opening of the Conference
  2. Election of the Bureau and adoption of the agenda and programme of work
  3. High-level panel session 1: Ministerial policy dialogue on the theme of the Conference, “Industrialization for inclusive and transformative development in Africa”
  4. High-level panel session 2: Innovation and technology transfer for enhanced productivity and competitiveness
  5. Special session: Proposed mechanism on alternative sources of financing of the African Union
  6. High-level panel session 3: Capacity and institutions for industrial development: the role of the public and private sectors
  7. High-level panel session 4: Industrialization for inclusive growth and job creation
  8. Progress report of the High-Level Panel on Illicit Financial Flows
  9. Briefing on Africa risk capacity
  10. Launch of the Economic Report on Africa 2014
  11. Presentation of Caucus Communique Caucus of the Governors of African Central Banks
  12. Consideration of the report and major recommendations of the meeting of the     Committee of Experts
  13. Consideration and adoption of the draft Ministerial Statement and draft resolutions
  14. Any other business
  15. Closing of the Conference
  16. Closing press conference