ECA studies impact of resource allocation on structural transformation

Rabat, 19 September (ECA) - The ECA Office for North Africa is holding, on 26-27 September in Rabat an expert group meeting on “Quality of institutions and structural transformation:distortions andresource allocation in North Africa”.

This event will provide north african and international academics and experts specialised in governance and public policy issues with an opportunity to better understand the impact of resource allocation mechanisms on strctural transformation and therefore countries’ equitable and sustainable development.

Participants will also examine the methods and data required to evaluate resource allocation distortions and select the institutionnal reforms needed to correct them and speed up development.

Discussions will take place on the basis of an ECA preliminary study on the same topic. A report will be published following this event.

Please click here for more information about this event. 


Event : Expert group meeting under the theme : « Ressource allocation, distortions and structural transformation in North Africa ».

Date : 26-27 September, participants’ registrations will start at 8.30

Place: Rabat, Morocco. Please email; or call + 212 537 548 749 for additionnal details.