High Level Committee on the Post 2015 Development Agenda concludes in Ndjamena

Ndjamena, 3 March 2014 (ECA) - The African Union High Level Committee (HLC) of Heads of State and Governments on the Post 2015 Development Agenda held a meeting on Friday in Ndjamena, Chad. The meeting was as a result of the African Union Head of States and Government decision on the 31st of January, 2014, that the committee should hold a meeting before June, 2014 to include peace and security as the sixth pillar of the Common African Position (CAP) on 2015 development Agenda. Consequently, structural economic transformation and inclusive growth, science, technology and innovation, human-centered development, environmental sustainability, natural resources management and risk management of natural disasters, finance and partnership and peace and security were adopted. 
Speaking at the meeting, Mr. Carlos Lopes, Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) underscored the importance of the Sustainable Development Goals’ (SDGs) consultation process and their links to the Post 2015 Development Agenda. Mr. Lopes identified four key challenges that Africa needed to address when negotiations begin on the new global development agenda. He reiterated the need for proper and effective metrics and measurements to monitor development progress and African countries needed to make necessary investments in statistical data collection. In addition, he stressed the need for countries to be mindful, yet conversant with the common but differentiated responsibilities, stating that “although the SDGs were universal, they cannot be discussed without common but differentiated responsibilities”, as countries are starting from different levels and bases, a fact acknowledged by Amina J. Mohammed Special Assistant to UN Secretary General on the Post 2015 Development Agenda. According to Lopes, it was imperative for Africa to position itself in the global development framework and noted that already, “the Open Working Group on SDGs had included most of Africa’s interest due to African leadership and ownership”, which should be maintained and enhanced.
The Common African Position (CAP) “was a useful vehicle for a converged and a harmonized approach to the SDGs and the Post 2015 Development Agenda, and the main challenge is for Africa to get its act together to influence the process in a meaningful way”, stated the Executive Secretary.“Furthermore, the current discussion on the continent on African-specific Development Goals (ADGs) would complement African priorities (Africa 2063), with universal goals, defined by the Post 2015 process”, he added.
Whilst the CAP has been endorsed based on extensive consultative process across the continent, the ultimate goal of having a unified African voice meaningfully reflected in the global post 2015 development agenda has just began. The Committee further discussed strategies on advocacy, negotiations and forging alliances on the Common Position.
Chair of the meeting, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf commended the thought-provoking interventions made by Mr. Lopes stating “these issues raised by Dr Lopes give us plenty of food for thought as we begin our advocacy strategies for negotiations”.
The HLC meeting was chaired by President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf of Liberia and attended by Mohaamed Ould Abudulaziz, President of Mauritania and current chairperson of the African Union. It was hosted by President Idris Deby of Chad. Also in attendance were Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn, Namibian President Hifikepunye Pohamba, South Africa’s Vice-President, Kgalema Motlanthe, Abdelmaek Selalal, Prime Minister of Algeria, as well as high-level representatives of Congo, Guinea and Mauritius and Dr. Dlamini Zuma Chairperson of the African Union Commission. 
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