IDEP Governance

The day-to-day work of IDEP is overseen by a 12-member Governing Council which is chaired, by the Executive Secretary of the UNECA/Under Secretary-General of the UN. The remaining 11 members are ministerial representatives of Member States drawn on the basis of two members per sub-region of Africa. Senegal, as the host country of IDEP, has a permanent seat on the Council while the other 10 seats reserved for ministers from Member States are rotated among the countries that make up each of the five sub-regions of the African continent, namely, Central, Eastern, North, Southern, and West Africa. The Statutes of the Institute establish the Council as its supreme decision-making organ; it meets twice-yearly and its remit covers programmatic, administrative, financial, institutional development, and outreach matters. It is assisted in its work by a Technical Advisory Committee of experts which reports directly to the Board on programme content, quality, and pertinence.
IDEP is structured as follows:
The Governing Council: It comprises 12 members, 11 of them African ministers of Finance, Economic Development, and/or Planning, with the 12th member being the Under Secretary-General of the United Nations/Executive Secretary of the UNECA. The Council lays down the general principles and policies governing the functioning of the Institute and approves the annual work programme and budget.
The Technical Advisory Committee: It is made up of 12 members and provides scientific guidance to the management of the Institute with respect to its substantive activities and programmes. In this role, the Committee helps to promote and strengthen the Institute’s scientific credibility and visibility.
The Management, Programmes and Administrative Units: These comprise the Office of the Director; the Capacity Development and Training Division; Administration; and the Library and Knowledge Management Division.