The West African Intergovernmental Committee of Experts (ICE) to discuss in Yamoussoukro, Cote d’Ivoire

The West African Intergovernmental Committee of Experts (ICE) to discuss in Yamoussoukro, Cote d’Ivoire, how industrialization can contribute to a food secure West Africa

Niamey, February 25, 2014 (ECA / SRO-WA)

Hotel President Yamoussoukro, Côte d'Ivoire to host the 3 to 4 March 2014, the Seventeenth Meeting of the Intergovernmental Committee of Experts of West Africa.

The 17th ICE will put emphasis on the urgent need for the sub-region to enhance its huge agricultural, mineral and energy potential to accelerate growth and development in accordance with the ECOWAS 2020 Vision. The untapped potential to create more value across the value chains of natural resources is an important component of development that the sub-region should include in the overall strategy for development.

Indeed, the development of this potential in general and in particular agricultural potential not only contributes to the achievement of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), but also to strengthen the socio-economic development and accelerating progress to meet the aspirations of the ECOWAS 2020 Vision.

The ICE will discuss the way to promote the optimal development of agricultural production, to access to appropriate technologies for improved agricultural productivity, to improve technical research and private investment in agriculture.

The theme of the 17th session of the ICE proceeds from the Economic Report on Africa 2013 prepared by ECA on “Making the most out of African commodities: Industrialization in the service of growth, the employment and economic transformation”.

The recommendations of this meeting will be submitted to the Joint African Union /ECA Conference of Ministers of Economy and Finance, Planning and Economic Development of ECA to be held in Abuja Nigeria 25 to 30 March 2014 under the theme: “the industrialization for sustainable inclusive development in Africa”.

The ICE is the statutory organ of the ECA for West Africa.  It brings together representatives from the fifteen West African member States as well as Regional Economic Communities (RECs) and Intergovernmental Organizations (IGOs) of the sub-region, development partners, research centres and other stakeholders. 

The ICE takes place annually to follow up on the implementation of the work programme of the ECA Office in West Africa and to discuss key issues and challenges pertaining to the economic and social development of the sub-region with the view to advise and propose appropriate recommendations to address them. 

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ECA External Communications and Media Relations Section
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