Building Capacity for Environmental Sustainability in Artisanal and Small Scale Mining in Africa

The meeting ran for three days with the fist two days dedicated to exchange on artisanal and smallscale mining frameworks and evidence-based decision making in the countries. This was done by sharing country experiences on tools, case studies and best practices in order to identify gaps and opportunities for the development of Country Mining Visions that respond to the Sustainable Development Goals. The third day focused on discussing knowledge management for ASM and discussing concrete ways forward between countries, international partners and stakeholders. The key objective was to form a comprehensive knowledge hub and knowledge management infrastructure and identify key actions to respond to addressing the environmental sustainability of ASM practices with due regard to the formallisation challenge.
The meeting brought together partners involved in the integrated environmental governance of the extractive industries including the Ministries of Environment, Ministries of Mining, as well as representatives from civil society and communities. At the regional level, it included partners and donors involved in capacity development programmes on Artisanal and Small Scale mining.