Artisanal and small scale mining to advance socioeconomic development

Addis Ababa, 24 May 2017 (ECA) – Mining experts gathered in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from 24 to 26 May 2017 to promote an integrated approach in support of multi-stakeholder efforts for safer and more sustainable environmental practices in artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) development.

The unique ASM event was attended by mineral resources experts and government representatives from Ghana, Tanzania, Zambia, DRC, Rwanda, Kenya and Ethiopia. Delegates from national civil societies and the mining private sector were also present to support collaboration efforts in artisanal and small-scale mining development at the regional level. The meeting also identified partnerships and synergy on environmental governance of ASM, particularly on knowledge management.

Kojo Busia, acting coordinator of AMDC, said,

“The context of Artisanal and Small Scale Mining (ASM) from the Africa Mining Vision viewpoint ensures that mineral exploitation goes beyond being a coping mechanism but an engine for sustainable development and growth as will be demonstrated by interventions envisaged within this workshop.”

The meeting, jointly organized by the African Minerals Development Centre (AMDC) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) was an effort to roll out the African Mining Vision (AMV) programme on ASM which aims to “create a mining sector that harnesses the potential of artisanal and small scale mining to advance integrated and sustainable rural socioeconomic development.”

It was also driven by UNEP’s broader goal to initiate regional platforms for dialogue and capacity development at the regional level and to engage with countries and key partners on issues related to mining.

With environmental sustainability in ASM as the targeted intervention being addressed by the workshop, the objective of the meeting was to initiate of a series of structured and coordinated interventions that will ensure environmental and mineral sector governance within the nuanced AMV chartered paradigm of Country Mining Visions (CMV) or CMV processes.

The technical workshop on building capacity in artisanal and small scale mining ran from 24 to 26 May at the Conference Centre of the UN Economic Commission for Africa in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.