Prospects for SADC Regional Integration through Industrialization and the Role of China

Addis Ababa, 23 February 2017 (ECA) - The University of Johannesburg Confucius Institute (UJCI) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa -ECA in collaboration with Oxfam International’s Africa-China Dialogue Platform -ACDP based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia will host a two-day research seminar on the Prospects for SADC Regional Integration Through Industrialization and the Role of Chinain Johannesburg, South Africa.

The seminar will examine the China-SADC relationship in the context of SADC’s new industrialization policy and its Revised Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan.

What is the nature of the SADC-China relationship? Is it anchored on the region's quest to accelerate its industrialization programme, structural transformation and cooperation in infrastructure development? And if so, what are the implications for the region? These are some of the key questions that the seminar seeks to address.

Key regional documents, frameworks and platforms in particular Africa Unions's Agenda 2063, SADC Strategy and Roadmap on Industrialization and the Forum on China-Africa Co-operation which define the interactions between AU, SADC and China will constitute guiding elements in framing the discussion, others include the Southern African Development Community’s Lusaka Declaration (Southern Africa: Towards Economic Liberation), and the revised Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan.

The two-day seminar will take place in Johannesburg, South Africa, 20-21 April, 2017, bringing together Africa's thought-leaders on industrialization and Sino-Africa cooperation.

We extend our invitation to interested organizations and individual experts to be part of the above seminar. ECA and its collaborating partners will not be able to cover travel, accommodation and other related expenses, but will help to facilitate travel logistics such as invitation letters for visa applications and information on accommodation in Johannesburg. The venue and other details will be communicated in due course.

For participation and more information on the meeting, reach: Mzwanele at


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Economic Commission for Africa
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