Lessons Africa has learnt in 15 years of responding to HIV/AIDS

Executive summary


A development disaster
An international partnership
Spotlighting success stories
Identifying leadership at all levels

The social contract

A broad range of signatories
Governments cannot be expected to do it all
GIPA: Solidarity in action
Examples of Best Practice
Botswana: Commitment and follow-up from the highest political level

Malawi, South Africa and Zambia: International GIPA programme bolsters national AIDS reponses

Burundi: National association of HIV-infected and -affected people runs care and support centre

Zimbabwe: Bringing together all the partners at local level

South Africa - Bambisanani: an EQUITY Project

Getting the AIDS message out to broad populations – and following-up with action

Correcting ignorance and denial
Fighting stigma and negative attitudes
Prevention through behaviour change
Examples of Best Practice

Senegal: Muslim and Christian leaders preach tolerance and solidarity

Ghana: Social marketing of female condoms

Tanzania: Partnership with traditional healers

Mutual reinforcement of AIDS care and prevention

HIV/AIDS and TB prevention and care
The double benefit of STI management
A boost to voluntary counselling and HIV testing
Home care and community support
Prevention of mother-to-child-transmission
Examples of Best Practice:

Uganda: Same-day test results help extend VCT beyond major cities

Zimbabwe: Commercial farms combine care with peer education and condom promotion

Côte d’Ivoire: Care and prevention in a poor urban setting

Uganda: Innovative social marketing of STI treatment kit for men reinforces HIV prevention

Uganda: Trials of the antiretroviral nevirapine

Something for all, and special measures for those at greater risk

Messages for the general public
Reaching sex workers and their clients
Examples of Best Practice:

Senegal: Preventing transmission of HIV among sex workers and clients

Côte d'Ivoire: Programme for care and prevention among female sex workers and their partners

Making people less vulnerable to HIV infection

Social policy is essential
Fortifying young people
The vulnerability of women and girls
Men: also vulnerable, but in different ways
Migration and AIDS
War and AIDS
Marginalised groups: forgotten or wilfully ignored
Examples of Best Practice:

Kenya: Life skills to fortify young people against HIV

Ethiopia: Save Your Generation Association targets out-of-school young people

Tanzania: Advanced planning for AIDS prevention among migrant and local labor at a hydroelectric project

International: Advocacy for AIDS responses that benefit women

Tanzania: Female guardians at schools

Reducing HIV/AIDS' impact on people

Impact on individuals' health and quality of life
The impact on families
The rising tide of orphans
The impact on societies
The impact on economies
Examples of Best Practice:

Uganda: Specialised palliative care reduces suffering, improves quality of life

Zimbabwe: Organic Cotton Project helps AIDS-affected smallholder farming families

Kenya: Strengthening orphans for their future lives

Implementing expanded responses

National strategic planning
Examples of Best Practice:

Malawi: Consensus building for the National HIV/AIDS Strategic Framework

Cote d’Ivoire: Maintaining AIDS programming consistency despite national instability

Malawi: National policy guides evolution of planning and programming for orphans

Uganda: Keeping a strategic planning process on track

Support to Local Responses

Examples of Best Practice:

Gaoua: Consensus building of all actors

Tanzania: A ground-breaking by-law


Challenges facing women’s AIDS NGOs: the experience of SWAA. International Conference on AIDS. 1996 July 7-12; 11 (1) 390 (abstract no. TU.D.2736).

FAO and UNAIDS Joint Publication, UNAIDS Best Practice Collection. Sustainable Agricultural/Rural Development and Vulnerability to the AIDS Epidemic.

Orientation Global Network, AFP "Ghana turns to female condom to combat spread of HIV virus", 28 August 2000.

PR Newswire, "Female Condom ‘Dream Come True for Ghanaians’ First Lady of Ghana Supports Launch", 1 June 2000.

UNAIDS. Report of the Technical Consultation on Greater Involvement of People Living with or affected by HIV/AIDS (GIPA), June, 2000.

UNAIDS. Key Material, UNAIDS Best Practice Collection. Enhancing the Greater Involvement of People Living with or Affected by HIV/AIDS (GIPA) in sub-Saharan Africa. A UN response: how far have we gone? October, 2000.

UNAIDS. Case Study, UNAIDS Best Practice Collection. Comfort and Hope: Six case studies on mobilizing family and community care for and by people with HIV/AIDS, June 1999.

UNAIDS. Key Material, UNAIDS Best Practice Collection. Acting early to prevent AIDS: The case of Senegal, June 1999.

UNAIDS. Key Material, UNAIDS Best Practice Collection. Collaboration with traditional healers in HIV/AIDS prevention and care in sub-Saharan Africa. A literature review. September, 2000

UNAIDS. Key Material, UNAIDS Best Practice Collection. Summary Booklet of Best Practices, Issue 1, June 1999.

UNAIDS. Key Material, UNAIDS Best Practice Collection. Summary Booklet of Best Practices in Africa, Issue 2 of the Summary Booklet series, September 2000.

UNAIDS. World AIDS Campaign. Men and AIDS – a gendered approach, 2000 World AIDS Campaign, March 2000.

UNAIDS. L’Equipe Interpays de l’ONUSIDA, L’Initiative Ouest Africaine, Resultats de Recherche-Action Projet "Migration et SIDA" Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Niger, Sénégal. 2000.

UNAIDS. Presentation at OAU Health Ministers Meeting on AIDS, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, by Robert Hecht. Poverty, Debt, and AIDS – Mainstreaming the Epidemic and Mobilizing Additional Resources for the Response. May 2000.

UNAIDS. Presentation at 13th International AIDS Conference, UNAIDS Local Responses Satellite, by Jean-Louis Lamboray. Going to Scale with Local Partnerships on HIV/AIDS. July 2000

UNAIDS. Report on the global HIV/AIDS epidemic. June 2000

UNAIDS and WHO. Report on the global HIV/AIDS epidemic. June 1999

UN Foundation, UN Wire, "HIV/AIDS II: Botswana President Blasts Media Inaction", 21 April 2000, quote from Mmegi, Gabarone Reporter.