Urbanization and Industrialization: The Missing Links


“Can urbanization be harnessed for Africa’s Structural Transformation and Industrialization? A New African Urban Agenda”



Urbanization is a mega trend that is having deep effects on Africa’s demographic, economic, social, cultural and political realities. So far, it has been a challenge for most African member States. However, Africa rapid urbanization presents an unprecedented opportunity to accelerate the region’s structural transformation agenda, provided it is planned and for that explicit purpose.   

But can Africa, given its level and rate of urbanization as well as its specific conditions think outside the box and manage to tap from the unprecedented opportunity offered by urbanization as a driver for the region’s structural transformation agenda?

Both, Agenda 2063 and Agenda 2030 recognize this mega-trend, and seek to harness urbanization for sustainable growth and transformation at the regional and global levels.
Further, a ‘new global urban agenda’ is expected to emerge at the 2016 Third UN Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III), which will provide an opportunity for Africa to plan as to optimize the urban advantage in support of Africa’s quest for transformation.

The Side event will bring together a panel of leading experts on the subject to discuss the ways and means to make urbanization work for Africa’s transformation and offer concrete strategic policy options.

The event is open to all delegates. Time: 9:00 am – 11:00 am, 3rd April 2016, Venue CR4

For further information please contact:

Edlam Yemeru, (Eyemeru@uneca.org, +251-115-44-3975   +251-115-44-3975)

Semia Guermas (Stapia@uneca.org,  + 251-115-44-3794)