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The main objective of the thirty-sixth session of the Intergovernmental Committee of Senior Officials and Experts (ICE) is to carry out an inventory of skills and other knowledge sets liable to leverage economic diversification in Central Africa, to identify the challenges, constraints and opportunities relating thereto before proposing recommendations on the development strategy and mobilization of skills necessary for the structural transformation of the economies of the sub-region.
Specifically, the meeting will aim to:
- Discuss the trends and constraints of economic diversification and industrialization in the sub-region and provide an audit of the related skills needs;
- Analyze national and sub-regional trends in terms of skills development for economic diversification and development, identify challenges and opportunities and share good practices and lessons;
- Identify strategic and political anchors for the development and mobilization of technical and professional skills in Central Africa;
- Propose innovative partnerships, including public-private coalitions, for raising the level of qualification and employability of human resources and better coordination between the various partners involved in skills development and economic diversification in the sub-region.
- Participants of this ICE session will also have the opportunity to examine statutory issues relating to the functioning of ECA’s Subregional Office for Central Africa (ECA/SRO-CA), viz.: (i) ECA/SRO-CA’s program report for the period 2019 and 2020; (ii) the progress report on regional and international programs and other special initiatives in the sub-region; as well as (iii) the report on the implementation of sub-regional initiatives in Central Africa.
15 Oct 2020
Main Conference Concept notes
Agenda and Programme
Agenda and Work Programme (ENG)
Annotated work programme (ENG)
Proyecto de orden del día anotado (ESP)
Programme de travail et agenda (FR)
Programme de travail annoté (FR)
Agenda e programa de trabalho (POR)
High-level policy dialogue
Webinar 1: on Skills for Economic diversification
Theme: Skills for Economic diversification in Central Africa: challenges and opportunities