Couverture médiatique sur la CEA - Articles en vedette

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18 Mai 2017
Climate change could usher in a new model of sustainable development, but, on other hand, it could also decimate African fragile economies.
18 Mai 2017
The 2017 Africa Regional Forum on sustainable development is underway in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia under the theme: “Ensuring inclusive and sustainable growth and prosperity for all.”Africa’s biggest financing conference was opened on Wednesday by Ms. Vera Songwe, the new executive secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA).
18 Mai 2017
The African Regional Forum for Sustainable Development opened its proceedings on Thursday in Ethiopia's capital Addis Ababa with the participation of several countries, including Morocco.
18 Mai 2017
As Africa continues to rapidly urbanize, a recent report warns city and national leaders not to miss a rare opportunity to create much-needed economic expansion on a mass scale.
18 Mai 2017
A meeting on Sustainable Development calls for a green transformation of African economy and an industrialization that doesn’t harm environment.
18 Mai 2017
Dans le cadre des activités marquant le Forum régional africain sur le développement durable (ARFSD) à Addis-Abeba, les représentants de haut niveau de certains pays africains ont partagé ce jeudi leurs succès et leurs défis dans la mise en œuvre des Objectifs de développement durable (ODD) et de l’Agenda 2063.
18 Mai 2017
Economists from the Nile Riparian Countries and beyond convened in Entebbe city of Uganda under the auspices of Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) to deliberate on how to multiply benefits of the Nile in the Nile Basin by applying efficient water resources management.
18 Mai 2017
As Africa continues to rapidly urbanize, a recent report warns city and national leaders not to miss a rare opportunity to create much-needed economic expansion on a mass scale.
17 Mai 2017
Addis Ababa May 17/2017 Investing in effective management of environmental assets is critical to reduce poverty, hunger and disease, ECA Special Initiatives Division Director Fatima Denton said.
17 Mai 2017
The International Hydropower Association’s Status Report 2017 indicates that Ethiopia has the largest hydropower capacity in Africa.
17 Mai 2017
Investing in effective management of environmental assets is critical to reduce poverty, hunger and disease, ECA Special Initiatives Division Director Fatima Denton said.
15 Mai 2017
ALAKHBAR (Nouakchott) - Le ministre mauritanien de l’Environnement et du Développement Durable, Amedi Camara, s’est envolé, ce lundi, vers Addis-Abeba pour assister à la 3ème session du Forum régional Africain sur le Développement Durable.
13 Mai 2017
Le Forum régional africain sur le développement durable de 2017 (ARFSD), en préparation du Forum politique de haut niveau sur le développement durable de 2017 (HLPF), se tiendra à Addis-Abeba du 16 au 19 mai sous le thème, « Assurer une croissance inclusive et durable et une prospérité pour tous ».
12 Mai 2017
The Chinese-proposed energy initiative dubbed Global Energy Interconnection (GEI) can inject a new momentum into the socio-economic development in Africa, according to the Chair of the Global Energy Interconnection Development and Cooperation Organization.
12 Mai 2017
The African Centre for Statistics, a department at the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), says it has launched the first Africa Data Revolution Report (ADDR) 2016 edition.
12 Mai 2017
The Economic Commission for Africa is teaming-up with the International Hydropower Association (IHA) to develop a tool that can quantify the comprehensive benefits of hydropower schemes on the continent, said Soteri Gatera, Chief of Infrastructure and Industrialization in ECA’s Regional Integration and Trade Division.
11 Mai 2017
President of Poland, Mr Andrzej Duda, has said that the country is seeking ways to increase cooperation and boost business ties with Africa.
11 Mai 2017
Africa needs to do more to exploit its untapped hydro-power resources, since development is unthinkable in the absence of adequate and affordable energy, highlighted speakers at the 6th World Hydro-power Congress (WHC) being held here.
9 Mai 2017
Placé sous le thème « Assurer une croissance inclusive et durable et une prospérité pour tous », la rencontre vise à mettre l’accent sur les indicateurs de développement durable sélectionnés pour le Fadd 2017 et les objectifs correspondants du premier plan décennal de mise en œuvre du programme 2063. Des décideurs politiques et économiques, des universitaires, des experts de hauts de niveau, des...
8 Mai 2017
Le Bureau sous-régional pour l'Afrique de l'Ouest de la Commission Economique des Nations Unies pour l'Afrique (CEA) et le gouvernement du Burkina Faso organisent du 16 au 17 mai prochain, à Ouagadougou, une réunion ad-hoc d'experts sur le tarif extérieur commun et les accords de partenariat économique dans l'espace CEDEAO.
6 Mai 2017
The African Centre for Statistics at the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) has launched the Africa Data Revolution Report 2016, a biennial report highlighting developments in African national data ecosystems.
6 Mai 2017
AFRI-RES, un mécanisme unique à l’épreuve du climat des investissements climatiques à long terme en Afrique, a permis de réaliser des progrès significatifs grâce à l’approbation formelle d’un financement de 5 millions d’euros par le Fonds de développement nordique (NDF) pour ses activités.
4 Mai 2017
A high-level event to chart a global course for hydropower development will be held in the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa from 9-11 May. The 6th World Hydropower Congress (WHC), a multi-stakeholder forum will convene leaders and specialists with hydropower-related responsibilities from government, industry, finance, United Nations agencies, academia and civil society.
4 Mai 2017
Addis Ababa — The African Centre for Statistics at the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) has launched the Africa Data Revolution Report 2016, a biennial report highlighting developments in African national data ecosystems.
