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30 Mai 2017
The Economic Commission for Africa’s flagship, the Economic Report on Africa 2017, has been launched with an emphasis on African governments to match urban and industrial development in the context of their national development plans.
30 Mai 2017
Half of African populations will dwell in urban areas in less than two decades, a UN economic report 2017 on urbanization for African’s transformation revealed on Tuesday.
29 Mai 2017
THE winds that waft along the Swahili coast change direction with the seasons, a boon to traders in times past. Shifts in the political winds are harder to predict. Last July a proposed trade deal between five countries of the East African Community (EAC) and the EU was thrown into disarray when Tanzania backed out at the last minute. An EAC summit, scheduled for months ago, was meant to find a...
29 Mai 2017
The adoption of Single Window and electronic exchanges for handling import and export procedures and formalities are innovative ways to boost trade, efficiencies and increased revenue collection for governments, said participants at a meeting facilitated by the Pan African Chamber of Commerce and Industry on May 22 to May 23, 2017 at the UNECA.
29 Mai 2017
Le premier voyage en Afrique d'Emmanuel Macron en tant que président montre que le nouveau chef d'État français a pris toute la mesure des défis qu'il aura à relever sur le terrain pendant son quinquennat.
26 Mai 2017
An Integrated approach is of paramount importance to supporting countries to implement Sustainable Development Goals and Agenda 2063, Minister of Water, Irrigation and Electricity Dr. Seleshi Bekele said.
26 Mai 2017
Statistical gaps are hampering Africa's development and transformation, Bartholomew Armah of the Economic Commission for Africa's Renewal of Planning Section in the Macro-Economic Policy Division, says in the progress report assessing the level of adaptation of Agendas 2030 and 2063 into national development plans.
25 Mai 2017
25 Mai 2017
The Economic Report for Africa 2017, which was launched during the Africa Development Week in Dakar, Senegal – with the theme “Urbanisation and Industrialisation for Africa’s Transformation”, said that Africa has so far followed its own urbanising path.
24 Mai 2017
As the continent’s major economies begin to recover from the commodity crunch, how inclusive is its growth? Panellists laid out the arguments at The Africa Report Debate, on the sidelines of the Mo Ibrahim Foundation’s African governance weekend in Marrakech in early April
23 Mai 2017
The 2017 Africa Regional Forum on Sustainable Development (ARFSD) was held last week in Addis Ababa, in preparation for the UN's High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) in July, set to be attended by over 180 governments and funding agencies. The forum was convened under the theme "Ensuring inclusive and sustainable growth and prosperity for all". This theme is...
23 Mai 2017
Africa needs to push for accelerated development by harnessing local resources to boost entrepreneurship and drive its industrialization.
22 Mai 2017
Africa needs to resist the continuing economic model that is benefiting outsiders more than local populations if the continent is to successfully implement Agenda 2063 and Agenda 2030 for sustainable Development, Acting Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa Abdalla Hamdok stated during the Africa Regional Forum on Sustainable Development (ARFSD) that was held this week in...
22 Mai 2017
Foreign direct investments inflows into Africa in 2017 is expected to reach over $57 billion, supported mainly greenfield investments from emerging economies, according to the newly published African Economic Outlook (AEO) 2017.
22 Mai 2017
Foreign direct investments inflows into Africa in 2017 is expected to reach over $57 billion, supported mainly greenfield investments from emerging economies, according to the newly published African Economic Outlook (AEO) 2017.
19 Mai 2017
ADDIS ABABA, May 18 (Xinhua) -- The UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) has reiterated that Africa's economic transformation must be anchored on industrialization to achieve sustainable and inclusive development on the continent.
19 Mai 2017
The session was moderated by Fatima Denton, Director of ECA’s Special Initiative Division, and chaired by Seleshi Awulachew, Ethiopian Minister of Water, Irrigation and Electricity – who urged governments to align the Agendas to their national development plans
19 Mai 2017
Addis-Abeba — L'édition 2017 du Forum régional africain sur le développement durable (ARFSD) de 2017 a pris fin ce vendredi, à Addis-Abeba. Les participants ont adopté un document final qui sera présenté lors du Forum politique de haut niveau sur le développement durable de 2017 (HLPF), qui se tiendra en juillet, à New York, sous les auspices du Conseil économique et social (ECOSOC).
18 Mai 2017
Addis-Abeba – Le Forum régional africain pour le développement durable (FADD 2017) a ouvert ses travaux, jeudi au Centre de Conférence des Nations Unies à Addis-Abeba, sous le thème “Assurer une croissance inclusive et durable et une prospérité pour tous”, avec la participation de plusieurs pays dont le Maroc.
18 Mai 2017
Décidément, la trajectoire du développement durable en Afrique devrait indubitablement reposer sur l’impératif de garantir une croissance inclusive et durable, éliminer la pauvreté et promouvoir la prospérité pour tout citoyen africain.
18 Mai 2017
The African continent seems to be at the receiving end of all things unpleasant, including the side effects of climate change, even though Africa contributes the least in greenhouse emissions.
18 Mai 2017
The 2017 Africa Regional Forum on Sustainable Development (ARFSD) officially kicked-off in Addis Ababa today with Acting Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa, Abdalla Hamdok, calling on Africa to stop exporting raw materials and primary goods to feed industries of the developed world.
18 Mai 2017
The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UN-ECA) has stressed the importance of investing in effective management of environmental assets in order to reduce poverty, hunger and disease.
18 Mai 2017
The African Regional Forum for Sustainable Development opened its proceedings on Thursday in Ethiopia’s capital Addis Ababa with the participation of several countries, including Morocco.
18 Mai 2017
Le Forum régional africain pour le développement durable (FADD 2017) a ouvert ses travaux, jeudi à Addis-Abeba, sous le thème "Assurer une croissance inclusive et durable et une prospérité pour tous".
