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10 Août 2019
The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) on Friday urged African countries to modernize civil registration and vital statistics systems to create inclusive and efficient societies.
9 Août 2019
Executive Secretary, Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), Vera Songwe, has told African central bank governors that concerns around Africa’s rising sovereign debt should not focus so much about its level, but rather the ability to pay for it.
9 Août 2019
The fourth Conference of Ministers held in December 2017 in Nouakchott, Mauritania, declared August 10 as the African Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Day and advised member States to observe the day to reaffirm their commitment to putting in place effective registration systems.
9 Août 2019
The Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) is committed to supporting the mobilization of resources required to support the implementation of Sierra Leone's strategic plan which aims to strengthen the country's Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) and ID management system.
9 Août 2019
Africa on Saturday marks the second Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Day under the theme Birth Certificate for All: Fundamental for Protecting Human Rights and Promoting Inclusion, based on the recognition that the right to birth registration, especially to a birth certificate is a fundamental means of safeguarding a person's rights for the entirety of their life.
9 Août 2019
President Paul Kagame says the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) should ease free movement of people as it will for goods because goods cannot move on their own if people cannot move freely.
9 Août 2019
Africa on Saturday marks the second Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Day under the theme Birth Certificate for All: Fundamental for Protecting Human Rights and Promoting Inclusion, based on the recognition that the right to birth registration, especially to a birth certificate is a fundamental means of safeguarding a person’s rights for the entirety of their life.
9 Août 2019
The Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) is committed to supporting the mobilization of resources required to support the implementation of Sierra Leone’s strategic plan which aims to strengthen the country’s Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) and ID management system.
9 Août 2019
United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) sub regional officer for Southern Africa Bineswaree Bolaky says the the incremental spending needs for financing SDGs in Africa is about US$614 billion to US$630 billion per year.
8 Août 2019
African nations launched a continental free-trade zone this past month that can unite 1.3 billion people, create a $3.4 trillion economic bloc, and usher in a new era of development. The African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) which consists of 55 countries is now the largest of its kind in the world. The World Trade Organization, which was created in 1995, previously held this...
8 Août 2019
To accelerate the smart development concept in implementing Africa’s Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development and Agenda 2063, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and Armenia have signed a memorandum that seeks to unite efforts of the ECA and the Enterprise Incubator Foundation (EIF) to advance that course.
8 Août 2019
The United Nations predicts that, Africa’s youthful population would increase by 42 per cent by 2030 from 19 per cent in 2015.
8 Août 2019
United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) and Armenian Enterprise Incubator Foundation (EIF) Monday signed a Memorandum of Understanding to advance Africa’s high-tech development notion.
8 Août 2019
Le Sénégal a été à sa place et a bien tenu son rang, pour l’avènement de cet acte historique, confirmant ainsi, notre engagement à la réalisation de l’intégration africaine. La Zone de Libre Echange Continentale donnera, comme je l’ai rappelé lors du sommet de Niamey, un nouvel élan au commerce intra-africain en termes d’opportunités d’affaires et d’investissements pour le secteur privé et de...
8 Août 2019
Last month, the United Nations released their World Population Prospects report – predicting that the global population could increase by 2 billion people in the next 30 years. And within this, sub-Saharan Africa will experience a 99% increase.
7 Août 2019
7 Août 2019
Ghana has been named the host of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) following four years of talks to form a 55-nation trade bloc. It will be the base for the AfCTA secretariat.
7 Août 2019
The Economic Commission for Africa, ECA, Executive Secretary, Vera Songwe, has told African Central Bank Governors that concerns around Africa’s rising sovereign debt should not focus so much about its level, but rather the ability to pay for it.
7 Août 2019
Infrastructure inadequacy remains a major obstacle to Africa’s economic growth, development and productivity. It is estimated that poor infrastructure cuts national economic growth by 2% annually and productivity by a staggering 40%.
7 Août 2019
Niamey, 07 Août (ANP)-L’Institut National de la Statistique (INS) a organisé ce mercredi 07 août 2019, un atelier de présentation des résultats sur la valorisation du Produit Intérieur Brut (PIB), Base 2015, selon le système de comptabilité des Nations-Unies (SCN 2008).
6 Août 2019
O assunto foi discutido, nesta segunda-feira em Addis-Abeba, pela secretária Executiva deste organismo, Vera Songwe, e o embaixador angolano na Etiópia, Francisco da Cruz.
6 Août 2019
Africa’s youth are an important vehicle that should be harnessed to ensure the continent achieves sustainable development, says Mr. Oliver Chinganya, Director of the Economic Commission for Africa’s (ECA) African Centre for Statistics.
6 Août 2019
La secrétaire d’État chargée du Développement durable, Nezha El Ouafi, s’est entretenue lundi avec la secrétaire exécutive de la Commission économique pour l’Afrique (CEA) des Nations unies, Vera Songwe.
6 Août 2019
La secrétaire d’État chargée du développement durable, Nezha El Ouafi, s’est entretenue lundi avec la secrétaire exécutive de la Commission économique pour l’Afrique (CEA) des Nations unies, Vera Songwe, axés sur l’état d’avancement du plan d’action du Forum africain pour le développement durable portant sur les recommandations de la déclaration de Marrakech issues des travaux de cette structure.
