Couverture médiatique sur la CEA - Articles en vedette

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Disclaimer: The Headlines provide summaries and excerpts of selected publicly available articles. They are compiled by the ECA Communication Section. The compilation is neither exhaustive, nor fully inclusive. The ECA cannot vouch for the accuracy of these reports nor does it endorse their content.
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5 Août 2019
Rwanda is set to host Africa’s first ever biggest investment forum in which policy makers in the Private Sector will discuss how they can jointly enter the newly established Africa Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) and court Foreign Direct Investments.
3 Août 2019
The UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) on Friday urged the Tunisian government and business community to ratify the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) so as to harness its economic potentials.
3 Août 2019
Clad in his signature all-white agbada with corresponding cap, Muhammadu Buhari, Nigeria’s president, signed the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) agreement in Niamey, Niger on July 7, 2019. Nigeria officially became the 44th member of the AfCFTA. This decision took him over four months of consultation with, according to sources, manufactures and Nigerian trade unions.
3 Août 2019
The UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) on Friday urged the Tunisian government and business community to ratify the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) so as to harness its economic potentials.
3 Août 2019
La Commission économique des Nations unies pour l’Afrique (CEA) a appelé vendredi le gouvernement et le monde des affaires tunisiens à accéder à la zone de libre-échange continentale africaine (AFCFTA) afin d’exploiter son potentiel économique.
3 Août 2019
La Commission économique pour l’Afrique et le ministère tunisien du Commerce ont organisé, le lundi 29 juillet à Tunis et le mercredi 31 Juillet à Sfax, le Forum national sur la Zone de libre-échange continentale africaine (ZLECA).
3 Août 2019
The UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) on Friday called on the Tunisian government and the business community to ratify the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) so as to exploit its economic potentials.
2 Août 2019
The ECA Executive Secretary, Vera Songwe, told African Central Bank Governors that concerns around Africa’s rising sovereign debt should not focus so much about its level, but rather the ability to pay for it. Elaborating on this point, she stressed that managing debt dynamics well is all about implementing good fiscal policy, which in turn is linked to effective monetary policy.
2 Août 2019
La Secrétaire exécutive de la CEA, Vera Songwe, déclare aux gouverneurs des banques centrales africaines que l’inquiétude suscitée par la hausse de la dette souveraine de l'Afrique ne porte pas nécessairement sur son niveau, mais plutôt sur sa capacité à la payer.
2 Août 2019
The UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) on Thursday stressed that current concerns regarding Africa's rising sovereign debt should not focus much about its level, rather the ability to pay for it.
2 Août 2019
“Il ne s’agit pas seulement du niveau de la dette, mais de la capacité à la payer”. Ces propos de Vera Songwe, Secrétaire exécutive de la Commission Economique Africaine (CEA, organe des Nations Unies) ont été prononcées le 31 juillet 2019 à Kigali, en marge de la 42ème réunion annuelle de l’Association des banques centrales africaines. Le caucus des régulateurs centraux se tenait sur un thème...
2 Août 2019
2 Août 2019
The UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) on Friday urged African regional economic communities to tap into the potential of the African Continental Free Trade (AfCFTA) Agreement towards boosting the existing low level of intra-Africa trade.
2 Août 2019
The Economic Commission for Africa and the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Tunisia held on Monday 29 July in Tunis and Wednesday 31 July 31 in Sfax the National Forum on the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).
2 Août 2019
The UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) on Friday urged African regional economic communities to tap into the potential of the African Continental Free Trade (AfCFTA) Agreement.
2 Août 2019
La Commission économique pour l’Afrique et le Ministère du Commerce de la République Tunisienne ont organisé le lundi 29 juillet à Tunis et le mercredi 31 Juillet à Sfax le Forum national sur la Zone de Libre Echange Continentale Africaine (ZLECA).
1 Août 2019
The rising debt level in Africa is increasingly becoming a topical issue.
1 Août 2019
The UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) on Thursday stressed that current concerns regarding Africa's rising sovereign debt should not focus much about its level, rather the ability to pay for it.
1 Août 2019
Prior to a positive turnout of events, the European Union’s Africa policy has been a graveyard of ambitious narratives. Europeans have literally stood idly by while China established itself in Africa with billions upon billions of investments.
1 Août 2019
a secrétaire exécutive de la Commission économique des Nations unies pour l’Afrique (CEA-NU), Mme Vera Songwe, a salué le leadership et la clairvoyance de S.M. le Roi Mohammed VI pour les réalisations accomplies en matière d’autonomisation des femmes, de lutte contre les changements climatiques et le rôle du Maroc pour le développement en Afrique.
1 Août 2019
The ECA Executive Secretary, Vera Songwe, told African Central Bank Governors that concerns around Africa’s rising sovereign debt should not focus so much about its level, but rather the ability to pay for it.
1 Août 2019
C’est fait, l’Ethiopie a réussi son pari de planter plus de 200 millions d’arbres en une journée. Le lundi 29 juillet a été une journée spéciale sur le compteur de l’Initiative #GreenLegacy puisque 353 millions d’arbres ont été plantés en 12 heures.
1 Août 2019
The ECA Executive Secretary, Vera Songwe, told African Central Bank Governors that concerns around Africa’s rising sovereign debt should not focus so much about its level, but rather the ability to pay for it.
1 Août 2019
The ECA Executive Secretary, Vera Songwe, told African Central Bank Governors that concerns around Africa’s rising sovereign debt should not focus so much about its level, but rather the ability to pay for it.
1 Août 2019
United Nations told African Central Bank Governors that concerns around Africa’s rising sovereign debt should not focus so much about its level, but rather the ability to pay for it.
