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Disclaimer: The Headlines provide summaries and excerpts of selected publicly available articles. They are compiled by the ECA Communication Section. The compilation is neither exhaustive, nor fully inclusive. The ECA cannot vouch for the accuracy of these reports nor does it endorse their content.
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1 Mai 2020
An initiative to strengthen Africa’s ability to create and use data to tackle COVID-19 has been launched.
30 Avril 2020
29 Avril 2020
The magnitude and speed of the COVID-19 pandemic, which is by far the most severe global health emergency since the 1918-20 influenza in recent history, continues unabated by inflicting a heavy toll. There is hardly a community in the world that remains unscathed by this pandemic.
29 Avril 2020
Dealing with the health and economic challenges of Covid-19 has exposed the need for faster and cheaper mobile internet that can be expanded to the last mile of African populations.
29 Avril 2020
The Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) has joined the mourning train over the death of one of its most distinguished Chief Economists, Prof. Owodunni Teriba, who was buried on Tuesday in Chicago, Illinois in the United States of America.
29 Avril 2020
29 Avril 2020
With China’s influence towering higher than that of the West, there are diverse opinions about the Asian tiger’s gifts and its Silk Road initiative. Opponents accuse China of using the opportunity to access raw materials like oil, iron, copper and zinc that it urgently needs to fuel its own economy.
28 Avril 2020
When WHO added Disease X to its R&D Blueprint in 2018, the reality of an unknown pathogen that could cause a serious international epidemic was just beyond the limits of the imagination. 2 years later, at the time of writing this Editorial—the beginning of April, 2020—over 1 million people around the world have been infected with COVID-19 virus and 80 000 people have died from the disease.
28 Avril 2020
The AU, the UN Economic Commission for Africa and finance ministers consider SPV for sovereign debt swap
28 Avril 2020
African countries may seek to exchange their sovereign debt for new concessional paper to avoid using funds needed to battle the fast-moving coronavirus to pay private creditors, according to a United Nations body.
27 Avril 2020
Chute des cours des matières premières, effondrement des flux financiers, tourisme à l’arrêt, travailleurs confinés…, les conséquences de la pandémie vont être considérables.
27 Avril 2020
La plupart des pays occidentaux, forts de la prospérité de leur économie et de leur puissance militaire, vivent aujourd’hui au rythme des débats sur la problématique sortie du confinement, soit un retour progressif à la vie normale d’avant la pandémie.
27 Avril 2020
Riposte africaine au Covid-19 | Le Covid-19 va impacter durablement les économies africaines, quelle que soit la durée de la pandémie, de l’avis de plusieurs experts de l’évaluation des politiques publiques sur le continent noir. Parmi eux, les invités du «Live 35°Nord- La Tribune Afrique» du 23 avril 2020.
27 Avril 2020
DEALING with the health and economic challenges of COVID-19 has made one point abundantly clear for African countries – “that we need broadband, faster, cheaper, and expanded to the last mile of our populations.”
27 Avril 2020
Le débat s’amplifie sur la question de la dette des États africains dont le rythme de hausse s’est accéléré ces dernières années. Si le continent reste relativement épargné par le Covid-19 comparé à l’Europe ou les États-Unis, les ravages sanitaires et économiques de la pandémie pourraient s’avérer désastreux pour ces pays qui manquent d’infrastructures et de ressources financières.
26 Avril 2020
26 Avril 2020
While the current number of total cases of COVID-19 in Africa is comparatively low, the potential for mass deaths across the continent is ominous, according to a study issued by the United Nations Economic Commission of Africa (UNECA).
