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11 Mai 2020
African finance ministers started talks with private creditors to find a way to temporarily suspend debt payments without triggering defaults.
11 Mai 2020
Le continent perd environ 2,5% de son produit intérieur brut (Pib) après chaque mois de confinement, soit 65 milliards de dollars, a déclaré Mme Vera Songwe, la secrétaire exécutif de la Commission Economique pour l’Afrique (CEA).
11 Mai 2020
The Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) has estimated that a full one-month lockdown across Africa would cost the continent about 2.5 percent of its annual Gross Domestic Product (GDP), equivalent to about US$65.7bn per month.
11 Mai 2020
Les gouvernements du monde entier sont confrontés au défi majeur de mettre en œuvre des stratégies de sortie de la crise sanitaire. En Afrique, la Commission économique pour l'Afrique basée à Addis-Abeba y a réfléchi ces derniers jours avec un débat autour d'experts et un rapport intitulé « Covid-19. Stratégies de déconfinement pour l'Afrique », publié ce dimanche 10 mai.
11 Mai 2020
On 15 April 2020, G20 Finance Ministers took a decision to suspend the debt service payments for the world’s poorest economies in view of the Covid-19 pandemic. This would apply till the end of the year. This is expected to absolve these countries of debt servicing of nearly $20 billion and allow them to better face the impact of the pandemic.
10 Mai 2020
Les pays africains se penchent sur les plans de déconfinement afin de limiter les dommages économiques et sociaux. Selon les chiffres de la Commission économique pour l’Afrique (CEA) « le continent perd environ 2,5% de son PIB en un mois de confinement, soit environ 65 milliards de dollars ».
9 Mai 2020
8 Mai 2020
Mu gihembwe cya kane cy’umwaka wa 2019 Leta y’u Rwanda yashoye miriyari zirenga 340 z’amafaranga y’u Rwanda mu bikorwa bitandukanye birimo kugura ibikoresho na serivisi mu nzego zitandukanye, kwishyura imishahara, imyenda n’ibindi byishyuwe na Leta.
8 Mai 2020
7 Mai 2020
Before it happened, the idea of locking down millions of urban Africans seemed unthinkable. From Johannesburg to Accra, Nairobi to Lagos, teeming streets and bustling markets sit at the heart of the vibrant, chaotic and joyful shared experience of millions.
7 Mai 2020
As African countries weigh the consequences of lifting their lockdowns, they should guard against zero-sum policies aimed at saving only lives or the economy, some of the continent's leading economic think tanks have warned.
7 Mai 2020
African countries are turning their attention to lockdown exit plans as they seek to limit economic and societal damage with figures from the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) showing the continent losing about 2.5 percent of its GDP in one month or $65 billion.
7 Mai 2020
African finance ministers are meeting on Thursday to discuss debt-relief proposals, according to a top United Nations official.
7 Mai 2020
Amid multifold theories and disinformation spreading around the COVID-19 in Africa, it is important for African governments to consider strengthening the existing health systems and infrastructures, and allocate substantial funds for health research and production of basic equipment, for attaining sustainable development goals set in the African Agenda 2063, according to experts.
7 Mai 2020
La grosse vague de la pandémie de coronavirus semble être dépassée en Asie et en Europe de l'Est, contrairement aux États-Unis ou en Afrique. Un état de fait qui met les gouvernements du monde, notamment ceux du continent noir, face au défi majeur du déconfinement ou de l'allègement des mesures barrières.
6 Mai 2020
With urban consumption and expenditure projected to drop as a result of the pandemic impact, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) has urged African governments to consolidate efforts and define stimulus measures to mitigate national and regional economic impacts.
5 Mai 2020
When WHO added Disease X to its R&D Blueprint in 2018, the reality of an unknown pathogen that could cause a serious international epidemic was just beyond the limits of the imagination.
5 Mai 2020
A directora-geral da Comissão Económica das Nações Unidas para África (UNECA) defende o agrupamento da dívida dos países africanos através da criação de um veículo financeiro garantido por uma instituição financeira ou banco de desenvolvimento.
4 Mai 2020
De nombreux pays africains étaient mal préparés pour faire face à l’épidémie d’Ebola qui a éclaté en 2014, et COVID-19 présente un danger bien plus grave car il peut se propager de manière exponentielle, y compris par l’intermédiaire de porteurs asymptomatiques, alors que les gouvernements africains restent limités par la faiblesse des systèmes de santé, les ressources limitées et les contraintes...
4 Mai 2020
The partnership with Africa was clearly highlighted by the EU institutions as one of the main priorities for the coming years, but the COVID-19 pandemic might threaten closer cooperation. This was the topic of a webinar organised on 29 April by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), where participants agreed that consolidation of supply chains and an agreement to ease the external...
