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25 Avril 2020
Stating that COVID-19 is a clarion call for Africa to prioritize digital connectivity and governance, Africans have noted that innovative technology and connectivity is key to fight the novel coronavirus disease on the African continent.
24 Avril 2020
Dealing with the health and economic challenges of COVID-19 has made one point abundantly clear for African countries – “that we need broadband, faster, cheaper, and expanded to the last mile of our populations.” UN Under Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), Ms. Vera Songwe, echoed this point today during a virtual high-level policy dialogue...
24 Avril 2020
The World Economic Forum’s Regional Action Group for Africa, yesterday held its inaugural (virtual) meeting for 2020 to look at the continent’s response to Covid-19 and economic implications the pandemic will have to the region.
24 Avril 2020
BUSINESS tycoon Kudakwashe Tagwirei yesterday said Africa should take advantage of the global COVID-19 crisis to reshape the region's narrative and redefine its growth trajectory by boosting productivity and shift from commodity-based growth.
24 Avril 2020
Dealing with the health and economic challenges of COVID-19 has made one point abundantly clear for African countries – “that we need broadband, faster, cheaper, and expanded to the last mile of our populations.”
24 Avril 2020
Dealing with the health and economic challenges of COVID-19 has made one point abundantly clear for African countries – “that we need broadband, faster, cheaper, and expanded to the last mile of our populations.
23 Avril 2020
Secondo l'Uneca l'Africa rischia una strage per coronavirus: oltre 3 milioni di morti e povertà assoluta per migliaia di famiglie.
23 Avril 2020
Un rapporto della Commissione economica delle Nazioni Unite per il continente nero avverte: la pandemia può fare 3,3 milioni di vittime
23 Avril 2020
THE World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Africa Regional Action Group is looking at the continent’s economic response to COVID-19 as well as implications for the region.
23 Avril 2020
Dealing with the health and economic challenges of COVID-19 has made one point abundantly clear for African countries - 'that we need broadband, faster, cheaper, and expanded to the last mile of our populations.'
23 Avril 2020
The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data (GPSDD) have unveiled an initiative to strengthen Africa's data ecosystems in the face of COVID-19.
23 Avril 2020
Vinita Tiwari was present for the online launch of an ambitious data programme spearheaded by UNECA and reports on its implications for fighting coronavirus across Africa
21 Avril 2020
Plus de 300 000 Africains pourraient perdre la vie à cause de la pandémie du nouveau coronavirus (COVID-19), selon un rapport de la Commission économique des Nations Unies pour l'Afrique (CEA-ONU), basée à Addis-Abeba.
21 Avril 2020
Num artigo recentemente publicado, eminentes economistas e personalidades africanos, de entre as quais se destacam Ngozi Okonjo Iweala (antiga Ministra das Finanças da Nigéria), Donald Kaberuka (antigo Presidente do BAD), Sonise Mushikiwabo ( Secrétaria Geral da Organização Internacional da Francofonia), Braima Sanga Coulibaly ( Diretor da África Growth Iniciative) Vera Songwe ( da Comissão...
21 Avril 2020
La projection est contenue dans un rapport de la Commission économique pour l’Afrique (CEA) sur la crise du #coronavirus, intitulé “COVID-19 : Protéger les vies et les économies africaines”.
21 Avril 2020
THE COVID-19 pandemic has caused untold suffering, disrupted billions of lives, and endangered the global economy A plan to strengthen Africa’s data ecosystems in the face of the COVID-19 has been launched by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data (GPSDD).
21 Avril 2020
The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa and the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data have launched an initiative to strengthen Africa’s data ecosystems in the face of COVID-19.
20 Avril 2020
Depuis la découvre février dernier du premier cas de contamination confirmé sur le continent, les Etats et les gouvernements africains mènent une course contre la montre pour circonscrire l'impact humain, social et économique de la pandémie.
20 Avril 2020
Getting timely, accurate data to get the COVID-19 pandemic under control in Africa is critical for the success of global efforts, experts said on Monday, April 20.
