FRADD2020 presentations

UN Brochure

Plenary presentations

Climate change crisis existential threat for Africa

Plenary round-table panels

Continental Report on the Implementation of Agenda 2063

Outcomes of the Special Session of the Regional Coordination Mechanism for Africa

Parallel Sessions

Scaling up innovative means of implementation for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and Agenda 2063 - Thierry H. AMOUSSOUGBO

Presentation on Parallel meeting on the sub-theme of prosperity - Edlam Abera Yemeru

Presentation of the background paper on peace - Eunice Ajambo

Africa regional science, technology and innovation (ARSTI) forum recommendations - Amon Murwira

Pre-events presentations

Guide for integrated planning in Africa to mainstream the SDGs, AU Agenda 2063, Climate Change/NDCs and DRR

Overview of the African Union Data Entry, Analysis and Reporting Tool on Agenda 2063 Implementation - Barbara Glover

Strengthening leadership and institutional capacities for policy coherence in support of the SDGs - Carina Lindberg

Strengthening evaluative thinking and evidence-based reporting in Voluntary National Reviews and local reviews - Grace Chisamya

Overview of APRM targeted reviews - Janet Mabwa

Side-events presentations

“People” Pillar of the SDGs - Julitta Onabanjo

UBORA Euro-African open biomedical engineering e-platform for innovation through education – Philippa Ngaju Makobore

Inputs (from Africa) to UNESCO - Molapo Qhobela

Towards a UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science Building a Global Consensus on Open Science - Peggy Oti-boateng

Africa’s progress on the SDGs and Agenda 2063 - Paul Mpuga

Overview of the African Union Data Entry, Analysis and Reporting Tool on Agenda 2063 Implementation - Barbara Glover

Monitoring SDGs to leave no one behind - Angela Baschieri

APRM continental workshop post HLPF 2019 – Sara Hamouda

Strengthening leadership and institutional capacities for policy coherence in support of the SDGs - Tatyana Teplova