
Remittances in Financing Development in Africa: Lesson learnt from North Africa
Monday, October 13, 2014

The utilization of remittances inflows to enhance development in labor-exporting North African member states, confronts three major persistent challenges:  (i) the effectiveness of national strategies and policies to channel remittances to development, (ii) the relatively weak financial and institutional infrastructure supporting remittances, and (iii) the lack of sufficient data/information on workers’ remittances.

The overall objective of this side event of the African Development Forum, based on several national studies, to offer a platform for in-depth discussion and exchange of experiences and best practices on how to enhance the impact of remittances in financing for development.  This side event intends to help policy makers identify a number of ways to facilitate the flow of remittances through the domestic financial system and by offering an attractive investment environment. The discussions will build upon the results of the recent studies carried out by ECA and ESCWA in the area of workers’ remittances.

The side event jointly organized by UNECA and ESCWA will bring together key stakeholders including officials from government, central bank, private sector, civil society organizations, researchers, practitioners, development partners and specialized agencies of the United Nations system.

[Information Note & Agenda] [Arabic]