
Building Democratic Developmental States for Economic Transformation in Southern Africa
Monday, July 20, 2015 to Thursday, July 23, 2015
Johannesburg, South Africa

The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, Southern Africa Office in collaboration with the UNDP, South Africa, Southern Africa Trust and the Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa (OSISA) are organising a regional conference on:  Building Democratic Developmental States for Economic Transformation in Southern Africa from 20th - 23rd July 2015. The conference will bring together high level policy makers, scholars, development practitioners and civil society actors in promoting informed intellectual and policy debate on options and strategies of building democratic developmental states in Southern Africa. 

Call for Papers/Abstracts: Abstracts for the conference of not more than two pages should be submitted no later than 24th March 2015. Successful authors of abstracts will be notified by the first week in April 2015.

Detailed concept note/call for papers