
Meeting of the Continental Steering Committee for the African Project on the Implementation of the 2008 System of National Accounts
African Project for the Implementation of the 2008 System of National Accounts (SNA)
Monday, December 8, 2014 to Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Tunis, Tunisa

The African Project for the Implementation of the 2008 System of National Accounts (SNA) has been developed by the African Group on National Accounts (AGNA) to address the current challenges African countries face in producing timely and quality national accounts, in support of good economic governance, regional integration, and sustainable development. The Project is a continental, joint and coordinated effort of pan-African Institutions (ECA, AUC, and AfDB), Regional Economic Communities (RECs), Afristat, and Member States. 

The Inaugural Continental Steering Committee (CSC) Meeting was held in September 2013 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. During the Inaugural CSC Meeting, the Terms of Reference of the CSC were reviewed and adopted and the project work plan and budget were approved. As advised by the CSC, the African Project on the 2008 SNA was officially launched in January 2014.

 The next CSC Meeting, organized by ECA, AUC, and AfDB, will be held from 8 to 9 December 2014, at the Ramada Plaza in Tunis, Tunisia. The purpose of the meeting is to (i) review the key documents of previous meetings including the Project Implementation Plan (PIP); (ii) discuss how to support countries to move forward; and (iii) discuss how to strengthen coordination and reporting mechanism of the CSC to execute its roles and responsibilities as a governing and decision-making body. 

The CSC is expected to prepare a detailed report of the work in progress by all concerned stakeholders; to discuss issues and challenges encountered in the implementation of the Project; and to provide advice and guidance on how to solve them.