The report of the COP 17 African Pavilion Secretariat concludes that as an umbrella of different kinds of events and services, the Africa Pavilion was well attended. The round tables, side events and Africa Day provided opportunities to discuss climate change in relation to Africa’s development. The different countries and organizations had a chance to showcase their activities in the area of climate change and development and it certainly provided them with a forum for consultation for future activities. The success of the African Pavilion concept, coupled with the continuing demand for physical networking space for African participants at the COPS, the continued salience of African specific issues in the construction of a post 2015 Climate agreements, as well as the need to amplify African voices in the global arena entails that the COP 17 pavilion concept be not only replicated at COP 21, but also that the space be used more creatively building on the COP17 experiences and outcomes.
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