
Welcoming remarks
  • Fodé Ndiaye, UN Resident Coordinator, Rwanda
  • Said ali Said Chayhane, Minister of Finance and Budget of the Union of Comoros (Outgoing Chair of the 21st ICE Bureau)
  • Giovanie Biha, Deputy Executive Secretary of UN Economic Commission for Africa
  • Dr. Uzziel Ndagijimana, Minister of Finance and Economic Planning of the Republic of Rwanda (Incoming Chair of the 22nd ICE Bureau)
  • Guest of Honour, Rwanda
9:20– 9:30
Constitution of the Bureau, Review and Adoption of the Agenda

In this session, the new Bureau of the ICE will be introduced, and the Bureau will subsequently guide participants on the review and adoption of the agenda.

09:30 – 11:15
Macroeconomic and Social Overview of Eastern Africa- “Establishing the Groundwork for the Creation of a Continental Market” (Presentation, Panel and Discussions)

This opening session reviews recent progress and challenges to regional development in both the economic and social spheres. While supply-side thinking has dominated policy advice in recent years, this report provides demand-side perspectives on the regional performance, stressing the importance of recapturing domestic markets, accelerating regional integration, and implementing the African Continental Free Trade Area.

Moderator: Lerato Mbele, Presenter, Africa Business Report at BBC World News

Presentation: Andrew Mold, Acting Director, Office for Eastern Africa, ECA

Panel discussion:

  • Dr. Uzziel Ndagijimana, Minister of Finance and Economic Planning, Rwanda
  • Matia Kasaija, Minister for Finance, Uganda
  • Gabriel Negatu, Director General, Eastern Africa, African Development Bank
  • Belay Begashaw, Director General, SDG Center for Africa
  • Lamin Manneh, Director, UNDP Regional Service Centre for Africa (TBC)
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