Draft Annotated Agenda - Conference of Ministers

1. Opening of the Meeting

The opening statements will be delivered by the Chairperson of the Bureau, the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), the Chairperson of the Commission of the African Union, the President of the African Development Bank, and his Excellency the President of Faso.

2. Election of the Bureau

The election of a new Bureau will be followed by a short statement by the new Chairperson of the Commission.

3. Adoption of the Draft Agenda and Draft Programme of Work

4. Consideration of the report and major recommendations of the twenty-fifth meeting of the Committee of Experts of the Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development

The Commission will have before it the report of the twenty-fifth meeting of the Committee of Experts held in Ouagadougou from 10 to 13 May, 2006. The report will highlight the main issues considered by the Committee as well as the conclusions and recommendations of the Committee of Experts. Under this item, the Commission will be invited to consider and adopt the report of its Committee of Experts.

5. Presentation and ministerial debate on the theme of the Conference - Meeting the challenge of employment in Africa

During this session, the Ministerial Dialogue will focus on strategies for enhancing the implementation of employment generating policies in African countries. Recognizing that employment is key to sustaining regional stability and long-term development, the Ouagadougou Declaration with its Plan of Action calls for employment to be placed at the centre of development strategies and programmes in Member States. This session will therefore provide Ministers with an opportunity to take stock of progress made since the adoption of the Declaration by African Heads of States in 2004, identify the constraints faced by Member States in this process, and consider policy options for an effective implementation of the Plan of Action. The session will be informed by an ECA Issues Paper which focuses on mainstreaming employment in the development agenda. The session will also provide an opportunity to discuss the outcome of the Fourth Ordinary Session of the Labour and Social Affairs Commission of the African Union scheduled for April 22-27 in Cairo, Egypt.

6. Any other business

7. Information session on the avian flu

Over the past few months, the avian flu has continued to spread rapidly around the globe and has reached several African countries. This information session will provide Ministers with the opportunity to fully appreciate the severity of such threat and have a clearer understanding of the measures that can help minimize public health risks. The session will also elaborate on strategies to address the avian flu and the significance of its transmission to humans.

8. Consideration and adoption of the Draft Ministerial Statement and draft resolutions

After consideration, the Ministers will adopt a Ministerial Statement which articulates their views on the theme of the Conference and other related issues. They will also consider and adopt relevant resolutions.

The conclusions of the Conference will feed into the 2006 High-level Segment of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC), as this year's theme is "Creating an environment at the national and international levels, conducive to generating full and productive employment and decent work for all, and its impact on sustainable development"

9. Closure of the Session